chapter 2 - fast times made me gay

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See, Diana always knew she was not all the way straight. Maybe it was the first time she watched Star Wars and thought that Leia was "super cool". Or maybe last year, when she saw Back To The Future and thought the guys mom was super hot. But, Diana's feelings were confirmed when her, Robin, and Steve were at Steve's house. His parents were almost never home. They were currently sat in a circle, passing a bottle of vodka around. Steve broke into his parents liquor cabinet almost every time they were together, and his parents never noticed.

"Okay, Robin, truth or dare?" Steve asked, handing her the bottle.

"Truth," She replied, taking a sip of the potent liquid.

"Craziest place you've had sex," Steve asked. Diana rolled her eyes and motioned for the bottle.

"That's like the most obvious question to ask," Robin says.

"Yeah," Diana agrees, taking a sip.

"Whatever, it was Family Video," Robin rolls her eyes.

"While we were working?" Steve asks, disgusted. Diana, however, feels her cheeks heat up.

"Oh my god! That was you?" Diana realizes.

"Yep!" Robin smirks.

"You knew?" Steve turns to look at Diana.

"Well, I kinda walked in." Diana remembered when she went in the back to see if there were any customers that needed help, and heard some shuffling. She walked to the back, assuming it was some shoplifter, but to her surprise, was met with a bare chested woman, and another hiding her face. They quickly moved to cover themselves, but not before Diana was scared for life.

"I forgot about that!" Diana bursted out laughing. Robin started to blush, and Steve just looked dumbfounded.

"You never thought to tell me?" Steve questioned.

"I didn't think it was that important," Diana shrugged, passing Steve the bottle. Steve look shocked, but he gladly took a swig of the drink.

"Okay, Steve truth or dare?" Robin asked. Steve took a large gulp of the vodka.

"Fucking dare," Steve smiled. Robin smirked deviously.

"Kiss Diana," Robin cackled. Diana's face paled, and Steve looked uncomfortable.

"I mean, only if she's okay with it," He looked extremely nervous. Clearly the vodka had gotten to Robin's head.

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