the fantastical, gay epilogue

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Obviously, they didn't stay together forever. Robin didn't even go with her to New York. Steve did. They had an apartment, two bedrooms. Occasionally Eddie came to visit, and when he did it was a celebration. He'd bring his guitar, they'd party. Sometimes the trio even went clubbing. Eddie was coming today, and Diana was sat by the door flipping through a magazine waiting.

Knock. Knock.

"Eddie!" Diana exclaimed, when she opened the door. Eddie smiled, and walked in. Diana gestured to the apartment. She went to close the door, but a hand stopped it.

"Hi," A voice sounded from where Eddie once stood. Son of a bitch.

"Robin?" Diana whispered. Neither of them smiled, and they definitely didn't hug. Their breakup wasn't mean or sad, it was just what they needed to do. Robin wanted to stay, get a college degree, and Diana couldn't stand to be in Hawkins any longer, so Steve took the extra train ticket.

"I'm here for Steve," She smiled, and walked in.

"Just come on in, then," Diana scoffed. "Steve's at work," Eddie usually came for New Year's, and it was a big one. '90. It'd been 4 years since they defeated Vecna. Max woke up shortly after Diana moved, but she was in a wheelchair and permanently blind. Her and Peri stayed together, and Diana help up her end of the Enzo's deal.

"Great, I'll set myself up in Steve's room," Eddie smiles, and walks out.

"I'll take the couch," Robin awkwardly smiles. Diana didn't return the look, and shuffled into her room. Sitting on the bed, she wiped tears from her eyes.

Minutes passed, and a knock sounded on her door.

"Can we talk?" Robin's voice was quiet. Diana wanted to yell, scream, and sob at her ex, but instead she just smiled.

"Come in," Diana said, no emotion present. Robin walked in, and shut the door behind her.

"I didn't actually come for Steve," Robin said.

"No shit," Diana said, her face focused on the floor.

"I want you to know... I never stopped loving you," Robin said.

"Why didn't you come with me?" Diana asked.

"It wasn't right," Robin said. "I loved you so much, but I wanted to do something with my life,"

"You could've gone to college here!" Diana began to raise her voice.

"Steve went with you," Robin whispered.

"Steve's not you," Diana responded.

"You moved on! Eddie told me about Tonya," Robin continued.

"We dated for one month," Diana said, "I never loved her." Robin crossed the room, and sat next to her on the bed. "And you're going to tell me you never dated?" Diana angrily looked her in the eyes.

"Of course I did, but all I wanted was you," Robin said, taking Diana's face in her hands.

"I wanted to marry you!" Diana admitted, her voice loud.

"I-," Robin looked taken aback.

"I wanted a family with you," Diana continued, "So of course, I dated Tonya to fill the void."

"That's-," Robin stuttered.

"Robin, I love you, but-," Diana is cut off by Robin's lips. Robin kissed her, and damn did Diana miss the flavor of Robin's strawberry lipgloss. Diana kissed back, and placed a hand on her shoulder. Robin pulled away, and looked Diana in the eyes.

"I'm moving to New York."


this is short, and i wanted to thank all of you for all of your votes, comments, and suggestions. i loved writing this, and i hope you loved reading it!

- grace :)

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