chapter 7 - elvis was fuckin' cloned by aliens?

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After Eddie explained what he saw, the gang was concerned. Someone new? They all thought that once they closed the gate that the Russians opened, that the upside down was gone. Finished. Done. They didn't want to deal with it again.
The next morning, Eddie was on edge. Steve, Robin, Diana, Peri, Dustin, and Max had left for supplies or to go home, or some shit. Eddie was staring out the window of the boat shed, when he heard some creaking.
"Shit," Eddie whispered. Were the cops already here for him? The door banged open, revealing Diana's tired face, along with Robin, Steve, Dustin, and Max.

"Delivery service!" Dustin smiled, holding out the bags of groceries they'd acquired. Eddie did a head count, and realized someone was gone.

"Where's the little brunette? Did you leave her behind?" Eddie asks, his face wrinkled with worry.

"Peri's on house arrest," Max groaned, pushing into the room. Eddie grabs a bag from Dustin's hand, and pulls out the first thing he sees. Cereal.

"We got good news and bad news," Steve sighs.

"Which do you want to hear first?" Diana asks.

"Bad news, always," Eddie says, cramming a handful of cereal in his mouth.

"Well, we used our Cerebro, and found out that they are definitely looking for you," Dustin smiles, "They are pretty convinced you killed Chrissy."

"Yeah, like a thousand percent convinced," Diana rolls her eyes, taking a swig of her Yoo-hoo.

"What's the, uh, good news?" Eddie asks.

"They haven't announced your name," Robin smiles, "But if we could figure it out, I'm pretty sure the rest of the town will, too."

"Yeah, then everyone will want you dead," Diana gulps.

"So before that happens, we'll find Vecna, kill him, and prove your innocence!" Dustin says, excited with his plan.

"Wow, that's all, Dustin?" Eddie comments, sarcastically.

"Eddie, I know Dustin sounds totally fucking mental, but we've lived through this before," Robin says.

"And we have," Steve gestures to Diana, Dustin, and Max, "A few times."

"So, I feel like we got this," Robin says, a smile on her face.

"We used to rely on this girl who has super powers," Steve starts, "But, uh, those went bye-bye."

"So, right now we're kinda just in the brainstorming phase," Diana smiles, sneaking more of Eddie's food.

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