chapter 9 - cuddling in the creel house

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Diana was woken up in Nancy's basement to the sound of Eddie's voice on the walkie-talkie.

"Hello? Is anyone there? Steve?" Eddie asked, his voice staticky. Diana stalked over to the desk where Dustin's talkie was. She hit the button.

"Hey, it's Diana," She whispered, tired.

"Henderson! Hey," He spoke, and Diana heard clattering in the background. "I, like, urgently need a food delivery."

"Okay, stay where you are," Diana talked into the mic. "We'll be there as soon as possible."

"Another favor, can you, uh, pick me up a six-pack?" Eddie asked, and Diana rolled her eyes. "Before you say anything, I know it's stupid, drinking right now." Diana turned her head back to the group of sleeping people, and noticed the empty bed.

"Ugh, I'm gonna have to get back to you," Diana turned it off before he could respond, and she quickly strode over to shake Dustin awake.

"What?" He asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Where the fuck is Max?" She angrily asked her cousin. Dustin pointed to the bed, but then realized she was gone.

"I swear, I only slept for like, five seconds," Dustin reasoned. Diana rolled her eyes, and ran up the stairs out of the basement. Dustin followed her. She walked into the kitchen, only to find Max and Holly sitting at the table. Max was drawing listening to music.

"Good morning, Diana!" Mrs. Wheeler smiled, scrambling some eggs.

"Morning," She smiled, trying to get her breath back.

"It's so sweet for you guys to stick together like this," Mrs. Wheeler said, dishing her husband a serving. Diana walked toward the table, leaving Dustin with the adults. She pulled the chair out from next to Max, and sat down. Max paused her tape, and looked at Diana.

"Hey," Max sighed, pausing drawing.

"You okay?" Diana asked her, smiling.

"Just couldn't sleep," Max tried smiling.

"Steve was convinced Vecna'd come back so he made us blast your song all night," Diana chuckled.

"I think that did more harm than good," Max smiled, "But, Holly let me borrow some crayons, so we've been hanging out." Holly smiled, placing pins on her Lite-Brite. Diana glanced at Max's drawings.

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