chapter 11- taking the plunge

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The group walked together, in pairs. Diana and Robin, Dustin and Max, and Steve, Eddie, and Nancy. Dustin was leading the charge because it was his compass.

"Dude, where the fuck is this place?" Steve asked, pushing aside leaves and branches.

"Yeah, I've had to catch Diana like six times already," Robin joked, which caused Diana to roll her eyes.

"You have not," Diana laughed, and Robin smiled and shrugged an arm around her shoulder as they continued to walk together. The sun had long since set, and Max groaned in exhaustion.

"Dustin, I swear to God I'll kill you if we don't get there soon," She said, cracking her knuckles. Eddie eagerly nodded in agreement.

"I think we're close," Dustin whispered pushing through a bush. Eddie raced after him, and soon enough Dustin paused. "This has to be it." Dustin was stopped in front of Lover's Lake.

"Oh my god," Steve whispered, looking at the lake. "I knew I recognized this forest," He said.

"There's a gate in Lover's Lake?" Max asked, and Dustin turned to look at her.

"It seems so," He answers her.

"Wherever the demogorgon attacked, a gate opened," Nancy said. "Maybe it's the same with Vecna." She pushed her hair behind her ears.

"Only one way to find out," Diana says. Eddie shuffled to his boat, which was abandoned from the night earlier. Steve grabbed one side, followed by Diana who grabbed the other. Together, they were able to carry the metal boat into the water. Diana extended a hand for Robin to enter, which she took. Eddie followed after her, and then Steve got in.

"I should stay with the kids," Nancy says, looking at Dustin and Max.

"We aren't-," Dustin starts, "Whatever," He rolls his eyes. Steve nods, and holds a hand out for Diana to take, which she accepts.

"Let us come!" Max calls.

"Sorry!" Diana says, pushing the boat away from the shore.

"Who put you in charge?" Dustin asks.

"I did," Robin smugly replies, helping Diana into the boat. Diana smirks, and holds up the compass which she confiscated from Dustin without him knowing. Robin begins to paddle the boat towards the direction the compass was pointing to.

"Is this a good time to mention I hate lakes?" Eddie asks, and Diana chuckles.

"Maybe," She smiles. Robin and Steve were paddling while Diana and Eddie manned the compass. The compass continued to point in the direction they were going.

"What are we going to do when we get there?" Eddie asks.

"Someone will go in, and then report what they see," Robin shrugs.

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