chapter 12 - he's not sad, just high

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Diana would be lying if she said she hadn't been thinking of kissing Robin the second she walked into Scoops Ahoy. And she'd also be lying if she said the real thing wasn't better than what she'd been imagining. Robin tasted faintly of strawberries due to her washed off lipstick, and she whimpered when Diana tightened her grip on the hairs on Robin's neck. Just when Diana began to think she'd died and gone to heaven, someone cleared their throat.

"Hey, lovebirds, you might wanna come check this out," Steve stood awkwardly in the doorway, his yellow sweater now torn and dirty. Eddie was behind him, and he was smiling.

"Finally, I was waiting for you two," Eddie smirked, and Diana rolled her eyes looking at Robin. Steve raised his arms, like he was waiting

"Oh, yeah sorry," Diana said, quickly untangling herself from Robin. They stood up together, and followed Steve out into the hallway.

"So, uh, what is it?" Robin asked, adjusting her hair and wiping her lip.

"Well, we think it's another gate," Eddie said, stepping into the kitchen.

"But, no one died in my house," Diana said, staring at the glowing red obstruction on her kitchen floor.

"I mean, when was the last time...," Steve starts, eyes fixated on the gate, "Last time you were home?" Diana stopped in her tracks and turned to look at Steve.

"What are you insinuating?" Diana asked.

"Maybe... Maybe someone died," Steve says, and Diana leans against the blackened kitchen counter.

"Who? Who could've died?" Robin asks, looking at Diana.

"I don't know... but it's the only explanation we have for the gate," Eddie says, face illuminated red. Voices could be heard all around them, some incoherent. One voice was louder than the rest, and Diana immediately recognized it as her nerdy cousin, Dustin.

"Wait!" Diana called, and the entire group turned to her. "Do you hear that?" She asked, gesturing up.

"Dustin?" Steve called, also recognizing the voice. Dustin's voice was faint, but it sounded like he was alive and, for the most part, well. It also sounded like he had company, company that wasn't Max or Lucas.

"Is that... Officer Callahan?" Eddie asks, focusing in on the voices.

"I think so," Robin says, also hearing the voice.

"Do you think they got caught at the lake?" Diana asks.

"I mean, that would be the only explanation for him being here," Steve says, running a hand through his damp hair.

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