chapter 4 - two bisexuals walk into a bar

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Diana was currently sat in the front seat of Steve's BMW. Steve was driving, and Robin and Eddie were in the back. Robin and Eddie were incredibly high. Zooted. Baked like a cake. Stoned. Faded. However you want to say it, that's what they were. Diana couldn't tell if Steve was high, but she'd rather not think about the person currently driving being under the influence. Diana and Eddie didn't really know each other. Besides the few years that they had classes together, they'd never interacted outside of a work or school obligation. Diana knew what she did about Eddie through rumors. Did you hear Eddie Munson is dealing now? He didn't have a very good reputation.

"Di.... Diana...," Eddie called from the backseat. Diana turned around to look at the man she was just thinking of.

"What?" She asked, a little coldly.

"Woah, bitchy much? Harrington was right," Eddie jokingly replied, rolling his eyes. Diana punched Steve in the arm.

"Harrington was right about what?" She seethed at Eddie.

"That you're a bitch to people you don't know," Eddie smiles, "I would consider us friends, I mean I don't get high around just anyone." Diana scoffed. He thought they were friends? But, instead of being rude, she gave a polite smile and turned back around. Diana turned the radio up to see what Steve had in his cassette tape player. Head Over Heels by Tears for Fears began to play, and Steve quickly turned the music off.

"I just have that in for my dates, they practically cream for that song," Steve quickly says. Diana chuckles, and turns the music up. Steve groans.

"What? I like this song?" Diana smirks.

"Me too!" Robin exclaims. It gets to the chorus of the song, and Diana begins to sing along. Maybe partially to impress Robin, but she'd never admit that.

"Something happens and I'm head over heels!" Diana sings badly, causing Steve to chuckle.

"I'd never find out, till I'm head over heels!" Robin joins in, singing just as badly. She leans forward, and sings into Diana's ear. They sing together for a few moments, before they hear Eddie groan.

"I think... I think I'm gonna be sick," He groans.

"Not in the car!" Steve yells.

"What am I supposed to do?" Eddie questions, holding his stomach.

"Hold it or something! This is my dad's car!" Steve exclaims, pulling over to the side of the road. Eddie quickly opens the door before retching the contents of his stomach onto the dirt road.

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