chapter 13 - teenage makeout session

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CHAPTER 13Diana looked at Jonathan, who sat down next to Nancy on the couch

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Diana looked at Jonathan, who sat down next to Nancy on the couch. He actually looked... scared. Diana had fought alongside Jonathan against supernatural beings and now he looked scared. Jonathan noticed her staring, and he shot her a comforting smile, which she returned. Now that he was back, she actually wanted to get to know him. Robin walked over to where she was sitting, and sat on the arm of the recliner.

"Jonathan, can you explain?" Robin asked, arm around Diana. He looked at them, and nodded.

"Well, it all started after Mike came to visit," Jonathan said, and Mike rolled his eyes. "El lied to him and then everything spun out of control."

"Hey, she lied for a good reason!" Mike said, defending his, currently missing, girlfriend.

"Whatever," Jonathan said, "Anyways, basically the government wants her dead. And Owens is helping her get her powers back." Jonathan explains.

"Okay, so what's the issue?" Diana asks, looking at Jonathan.

"The government is also going after us," Will says, stressing it.

"Why?" Steve asks.

"They think we're hiding El," Mike rolls his eyes.

"You're not, right?" Eddie asks. "She's not in that suitcase, right?" Eddie asks, gesturing to Jonathan's suitcase.

"No, Eddie," Will deadpans. With the explanation out of the way, people went back to socializing.

"Robin, this is crazy," Diana says, looking up at her lover.

"What? Jonathan being back or the fact that they're wanted by the government?" Robin jokingly asks.

"All of it," Diana shrugs. Jonathan smiles at Nancy, and stands up. He heads straight for Diana and Robin, who detach themselves.

"No, you guys are fine," He smiles. Robin smiles back.

"Jonathan, we haven't seen you in forever," Diana smiles, making small talk.

"And I haven't heard from you in forever," Jonathan jokes.

"All my letters must've gotten lost in the mail or something," Diana jokes back. Robin sits back again, listening.

"You and Robin, huh?" Jonathan asks.

"You and Nance, huh?" Diana fires back.

"I just didn't expect it, that's all," Jonathan says. "Honestly, I expected you to get back with your sixth grade boyfriend before you two got together."

"What?" Robin asks.

"Yeah," Jonathan says. "I mean, just looking at you two when we fought the mind-flayer."

"Actually, I did get back with my sixth grade boyfriend," Diana realizes. Jonathan rolls his eyes.

"I actually persuaded them to get together!" Robin laughs. Jonathan scoffs. A knock sounds in the living room, stopping all conversation. Steve stands from the couch and stalks over to the door, before opening it.

"Tony?" Steve yells, his face contorting in confusion.

"Yeah, I'm here to see Diana-," Tony stops in the doorway, his eyes catch Robin's arm around Diana's shoulders. "What the fuck?" He gasps, before stomping out the door. Diana's face pales, and she stands up.

"Tony! Wait!" Diana dashes after her old boyfriend.

"You led me on, for some girl?" Tony stops, turning around. Robin is standing in the doorway, with Steve and Eddie next to her.

"I went on one date with you!" Diana yells.

"God, you're so fucking gay," Tony scoffs, before turning to head down the driveway. Steve steps out the door, and follows Tony.

"Steve, no!" Diana calls, she didn't need her best friend involved in her drama.

"Hey, Tony!" Steve yells, causing Tony to turn and face him. "Eat this, asshole!" Steve reels his arm back, and tosses a closed fist punch right at Tony's jaw. He staggers back, his hand coming up to cover his jaw.

"Are you all gay or something?" Tony asks in a mocking tone. Steve rolls his eyes, and his arm is grabbed by Eddie. Diana follows after them, slamming the door once everyone is inside.

"I'm so sorry," Diana says, turning to Eddie, Steve and Robin.

"You're sorry? I'm sorry!" Robin says, and Steve nods in agreement.

"Hey, we've got your back," Eddie smiles, patting her on the back. Robin smiles, grabbing her hand and leading her back to her room.

"And, you have me," Robin says, and Diana smiles. Diana knew that Robin wouldn't do anything that would hurt her, and she knew that she could trust their group of friends. Diana turned to Robin and smiled. Robin returned it, and she leaned into a kiss. Diana smiled into the kiss. She'd always wanted to feel this way about someone, and now she did. Robin was equally as infatuated with Diana, and she made it clear. Her hand snaked into Diana's hair, twisting her fingers. Diana gasped into the kiss, causing Robin's smile to grow. Robin's free hand rested on Diana's shoulder, but she wanted to move it.

Pulling out of the kiss, Robin whispered, "Can I?" Diana nodded, eagerly. Robin's free hand slowly moved and rested on Diana's breast. Both of them had forgotten all about Tony, and the Upside Down. Diana led Robin onto her bed. They were situated next to each other, until Robin pushed Diana down. Their kiss broke.

"Is this okay?" Robin asked. As far as she knew, Diana had never been with a woman. Hell, neither had Robin. Being gay in a small town meant that dating was basically ruled out.

"Yeah, just... go slow," Diana smiled nervously. Robin nodded, and leaned back into the kiss. Robin was straddling Diana with one hand on her hip and the other on her breast. The kissing was slow, but their hearts were racing fast. Diana moved her hand to Robin's shoulder and kissed her harder. Robin smiled, but pulled away.

"What?" Diana asked, face flushed.

"I'm not ready," Robin said, "And... I don't think you are either." Diana nodded. Robin climbed off Diana, and slid next to her into her bed.



sorry this took so long... i was on vacay with no service 💔💔 how did we like vol 2??

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