chapter 6 - doctor zhivago

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CHAPTER 6Saturdays were Diana's least favorite day to work

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Saturdays were Diana's least favorite day to work. Keith didn't even come in on Saturdays. It was just Robin, Steve, and her responsible for attending to over one hundred customers. Some days they'd have over 20 people in the store at once. Those were the worst days.

"Have a great day," Diana smiled to a mother who'd just rented Dumbo. The mother smiled back and walked out. Steve was working overtime shelving all the returns and Robin was choosing their VHS of the day.

"Oh, I think I finally found our morning movie!" Robin excitedly runs to their drama section, "Doctor Zhivago!"

"Ugh, you know I don't do double VHS," Steve comments, walking over from where he was shelving.

"But it's about doomed love!" Robin pleads, looking over to Diana for some support.

"Oh, that's relatable," Diana smirks.

"Precisely," Robin smirks, running over to put the movie in. When she turns the TV on however, she stops in her tracks.

"What's up?" Diana calls from behind her. Steve walks over, and turns the TV up.

We are in the Forest Hills trailer park. We can confirm the body of a Hawkins High student was found this morning. We are not sure... Diana's face drops. She knew way too many students at Hawkins high.

"Holy shit," Steve sighs. The doorbell dings, revealing Dustin, Max, and Peri. Diana breathes a sigh of relief at the sight of her cousin. "Did you see this?" Steve asks them.

"Yeah," Max starts.

"How many phones do you have?" Dustin cuts Max off earning a slap on his shoulder from Peri.

"Someone was killed Dustin, why are you not at home?" Diana stresses.

"How many phones?" Dustin repeats.

"Uh, two I think," Robin comments, "Why?"

"That should work," Max says, turning to Peri and Dustin.

"What are you doing?" Diana asks, confused. Dustin throws his backpack over the counter, knocking Robin's pile of VHS tapes on the floor.

"My pile!" Robin yells. Dustin slides over the counter, while Max and Peri run around the counter to the back.

"You better have a good reason," Steve comments, picking up the VHS tapes that Dustin knocked over.

"We are setting up our base here," Peri smiles as Dustin logs onto the computer behind the counter.

"We have to call all of Eddie's friends, and no one else has a computer," Max says, quickly.

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