Chapter One-🔞

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A/n:First things first,There is a smut so if your not above 🔞don't read i dont want you my poor innocent sweety pie being a perverted man like me :)

Anyways have fun reading and im not good at making sex scene so..yeah :)

Its just me imagining this while taking a bath :D


Sanzu and the haitani brothers are now on one of bonten's own illegal bar.That when you like a whote you can take them home and make out with them.

Haitani brothers are having they're usual fiest.Some whores are on they're lap while kissing they're necks seductively.While sanzu he was just drinking alone cause he doesn't want any girls going to his lap and will start to gave him hickies.

If you may know sanzu haruchiyo is the most sensitive in bonten gang.That when you tried to make out with him inform your family to get you a cuffin.And thats why he doesn't have any whore on his lap.He was drinking his whisky eye's close while his neck are resting one of the sofa.

"Hey hey sanzu why don't you try to make out with a random girl,it was fun y'know"Ran haitani said while there's asmirk plastered all over his face while making his whore moan in pleasure.Sanzu just look at him with a disgust in his eye's and just rolled his eye's he stands up and go to the bartender and the bartender smiled and said

"Hello sir what do you like to drink?"The boy said as sanzu look at his eye's and said

"I want martini"Sanzu replied as he sits one of the chair that the bar has.Sanzu roam his eye's and listen to the music.While he was looking around he saw a boy that caught his attention,the boy was wearing a black vest with white polo in,Black pants and black shoes.While sanzu was observing the boy the raven haired boy suddenly met his eye's

'He looks drunk' sanzu thought to himself.The bartender gave him the martini and sanzu accept it.

Sanzu approach the boy who was blushing feverishly.He was now infront of him,The boy look at him with a sleepy face and some tint of blush across his face making him look like he was having a fever.

Then suddenly the boy passed out and luckyly sanzu caught him one hand.He immediatly finish his drink and the boy smiled at him while he care's sanzu's diamond scar

"Wjow,suach a beauwtifuwl scars"
[Wow such a beautiful scars]

The boy said as sanzu just raised his one brow and rolled his eye's.Of course he knows he was pretty but why did he suddenly felt butterfly in his stomach?Nah maybe just a reflex.Then the boy suddenly kiss him on the lips and after that he smiled.

Sanzu was shock of why did the boy did that.The boy clings on him like an omega in heat,but this isn't omega universe,and sanzu he just felt that his cock are starting to turn on.The boy undressed his black vest and said

"Hot!!"Sanzu immediatly stop the boy and carried him without the haitani brother's noticing.Well even though he didn't put so much efforts the haitani's wouldn't notice because they we're busy on they're hoes.

He carried the raven haired boy and then go immediatly to his car.He don't know what he was doing at this point.He put the boy on the back of the car and he was still outside the car and confused of why he was doing.Until the boy wrap his hands on sanzu's neck and started to kiss him on the lips.

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