Chapter 12

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One night stand with a criminal
Chapter twelve
- Sanzu haruchiyo_

By:ewan ko wbiset

Third person's point of view

Sanzu held his self back,cause what if he force takemichi to have sex again with him,takemichi hate s it and it was so stupid for him to realized this just now.

Takemichi was a cop

He is a criminal

If takemichi falls in love with him,would they work out?

Cause sanzu was always planning on hiding takemichi from everyone,he don't want takemichi to be involve by his dirty job or is that even a job

Sanzu looks at takemichi's eye's,ocean baby blue eye's met the green one.

He chuckled and reach for takemichi's chin.

"Do you..want me to continue?"Sanzu asked,Takemichi's eye's wide because the question felt stupid.A criminal like him who bang him 4 times already and would ask for his permission?

Takemichi grab' s sanzu's face and kiss him it was sloppy one,cause he never kissed anyone before or have done it with anyone.He don't want to answer sanzu's question,because he would felt embarassed about it.

And that eye's that he just saw,The eye's that was shouting for takemichi to just love sanzu,how could he not

When just now

He already fall inlove

He don't want this feelings because its ridiculous,why would he fell in love with someone.He is just having sex with Sanzu did the said boy gave him another drug again?,he don't want to admit it..

Sanzu put' s his head on the boy's neck just to smell the boy's scent,Then kiss them as his eye's was closed.While takemichi who was turning even more bright red

Sanzu putted his lips on takemichi's soft and reddish one,as the lips collide he didn't let go of the raven haired's lips as he keeps making him moan,he was hitting takemichi g-spot on the mouth using his tongue

Takemichi's pov

In the shadows his face was so close to mine that I could smell the sweet ropy fragrance of the sherry he had been drinking is that a smell of wine as i smell,and then his tongue was in my mouth. In all truth I had not invited this prodigy of a tongue; turning, I had merely not wished to look at his face, expecting only that the expression of aesthetic delight I might find there would correspond to what I knew was my own. But I did not even catch a glimpse of his face, so instantaneous and urgent was that tongue. Plunged like some writhing sea-shape into my gaping maw, it all but overpowered my senses as it sought some unreachable terminus near my uvula; it wiggled, it pulsated, and made contortive sweeps of my mouth’s vault: I’m certain that at least once it turned upside down.

I don't want to look at him cause if i did it will just make me question of can i really put this person in bars if my heart got stolen by him?

I suppose to not feel this way,he is a criminal i am a cop and as a cop i seek for justice

Justice for those criminal who use drugs who did r@pe who steal money who killed innocent people which is this bastard did

He reach my chin to kissed me i force myself to stop him but my hands and heart are not listening to me,I want to push him away as best as i could but why do these feet hands and heart don't listen to me?

He made me look at him but i keep my eye's shut cause when i look at those eye's again who was seeking for my love,I will question justice

'This person kill so many innocent people but what if he had a reason to do it? What if someone was forcing him?'

That was the question i keep asking myself,thats why i never wanted to look at those eye's cause i know my beliefs will change

But what if he is not a criminal and i am not cop and this happened but the changes is he chose to meet me and talk about it not to kidnap me.

Maybe if i wasn't a cop and he is not a criminal maybe loving him wouldn 't be a sin to justice

His hands travel down on my body,making me shiver by it

"je t'aime,But i know you don't felt the same"Sanzu said as he care's takemichi's cheeks and then let' s go of him

"Its already night,takemichi you should sleep"

What does he ment by that?is that french?if it is fuck me i don't know any word in french,he gets some pills in his pocket and put it in his mouth,he pinned me down on the bed god my heart..bullshit you fucking heart

He put his lips into mine as he push the pill on my mouth.Is this what he was feeding me so that i can fall for him shit...

This is making me stupid,and since he don't know that i never eat maybe it would be better to die than to fall for this asshole

Never in my entire life that i would fall for him,bullshit of those what if' s!


I hope your okay....

To be continued

Poor takemichi didn't know that the detective is dead..

Anyway's sorry for the delays its just that i have so many projects and assessment that i would finish T^T my brain is hurting right now and take care of yourself's don't forget to drink water and to eat nutricious foods!!

Bye bye!!

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