Chapter 22

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The end of the new beginning

One night stand with a criminal
Chapter 22

One night stand with a criminalChapter 22Grief

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Takemichi find himself naked with full of claiming marks on his body,he fix his posture on the bed and saw sanzu sleeping soundly on the couch while there's an empty bottle of wine on the table.

He gets some pants on the drawer and wore it as well some t-shirts that maybe belongs to sanzu since it was too big on takemichi

It was raining outside,trees are dancing along the strong wind as a strong little water pour on them.He never expect to rain this strongly,he looks at sanzu who was sleeping and he gets some bed sheets to cover the boy.A small drop of tear left his eye,the tear fell on sanzu's face as takemichi wipe his tears.

"Takemichi?" Sanzu said still sleepy checking takemichi if he's okay.

"Are you crying because of me?" He ask worry in his eyes and voice cracking while asking.It was not too long since he saw takemichi yet he's to scared to scare the younger.I know he already did but that was because of the drug he drunk since he was too broken on losing takemichi.

Takemichi is the only thing he had,maybe not for takemichi but he learn to love takemichi so much that it hurts.

Sanzu is ready to let takemichi go thats why there's no cuffs on takemichi's wrist.But he will make sure that takemichi will come home safe.

"Do you want to go home?"He ask once again and that question made takemichi look at him.The boys eye's were too broken to stare at thats why sanzu look away.

"On you're real home"He continued.Takemichi's eye's widen as he look at sanzu who was stopping himself from crying.Lips were shivering hands were trembling heart was pumping.

"Haruchiyo.."he said,it was more like a whisper since he can't speak  properly. "I don't have any home anymore" Takemichi bit his lower lip as he continued,Sanzu sat down on the couch that he was sleeping on.

"I don't want you to feel like a prisoner just because i love you hanagaki"He spoke,he never expect himself to said those words.Because like they saif right? When you love a person you should let them go even if it hurts

Maybe takemichi is the only thing he had.

But maybe for takenichi he isn't the only thing he had.

Sanzu wanted to hug takemichi right now,he wants to feel the boys warmth as they cuddle feeling each other's warmth.But maybe that was an illusion,an illusion were sanzu isn't a criminal and takemichi isn't  a cop.

Sanzu stands up and gets his car keys as well as his clothes and wore them again.Takemichi watch him get ready himself,

"Im sorry..but michi i owned you,but i don't own you're heart.Lets get you home"Sanzu said as he was stepping closer the older and touched his cheeks to care it gently

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