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One night stand with a criminal

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One night stand with a criminal

-sanzu haruchiyo
-by ewan ko bwiset

Chapter fourteenth

No one's pov

It took takemichi a seconds before he realized

"your crazy" Takemichi said then walk away after glaring at haruchiyo

"crazy for you" He replied then grab his wrist, it made takemichi look at him and scoff

"fuck off"

"nah i'd rather fuck you" he said then smiled like a crazy physchopath

Takemichi was about to walk away but haruchiyo grab his waist then push him on the bed and pin him down, takemichi can't fight back cause haruchiyo starts to go on top of him

Haruchiyo grab his chin and kiss him

Haruchiyo's pov

In the shadows his face was so close to mine that I could smell the sweet ropy fragrance of the sherry he had been drinking, and then his tongue was in my mouth. In all truth he had not invited this prodigy of a tongue; turning, I had merely wished to look at his face, expecting only that the expression of aesthetic delight I might find there would correspond to what I knew was my own. But I did not even catch a glimpse of his face, so instantaneous and urgent was that tongue. Plunged like some writhing sea-shape into my gaping maw, it all but overpowered my senses as it sought some unreachable terminus near my uvula; it wiggled, it pulsated, and made contortive sweeps of my mouth's vault

Haruchiyo broke the kiss and smirk and he look at takemichi who was blushing in such a mess

"Just admit it, your falling in love with me"

"i-i'd rather die!" he replied stuttering oh is this how you lie darling such a shame your not even good at lying cause when you wipe my tears as i cried on my sleep i can see the slight blush on your face

"If you die i can't marry you"

"dude who said i'd marry you?" Takemichi said then push sanzu away, sanzu rolled his eyes and chuckled

"You will marry me wether you like it or not," Sanzu was about to approach takemichi again but suddenly his cellphone rang.He took his cellphone on his pocket and then saw 'boss' written in the cellphone

"looks like im going again darling, and by the way i have a trip to hokkaido this week so i won't be coming home for the couple of days are you okay with it?" sanzu ask looking at takemichis eyes actually the reason he ask takemichi for that stupid question that he knows what the answer is he was hoping takemichi to protest and ask him to stay

He don't know if he is crazy or not but he was still hoping.Takemichi chuckled and said

"It would be better if your not here!"

Takemichi yelled at him but not that loud that to the point that everyone could hear just loud enough to show his hatred towards sanzu

Sanzu who heared it just approach takemichi and walk more closer towards him, then takemichi who was hoping for a punch in the face gets a gentle kiss in the forehead instead, sanzu hugs takemichi tight not wanting to let go but he have job so he release takemichi from the tight hug that he gave and finally left

Takemichi's pov

Takemichi on the other hand doesn't know why didn't he push sanzu away?

Just why?

"fuck.. I wanted to fucking kill him but why am i having second thoughts?what is this stockholm syndrome? Shit!"

Takemichi got up to escape but he forgot that the chains was still in his hands, fucking chains

Takemichi did all and get all of his strength but the chains was too strong for him, he got tired and just walk closer to the window looking at the small sight of view that he was seeing,

He didn't notice that this mansion have its kind of beauty the flowers blooming outside makes it more majestic

flowering, thriving The blooming meadow was flush with orange, pink, and purple wildflowers.

The daily disappearance of the Sun below the horizon due to Earth's rotation he didn't even notice that it was already afternoon,but he just don't mind it and roam his eyes even more to look at this beautiful scenery

What caught his eye is the lake,he didn't even notice that theres a small lake here because of his hatred towards sanzu and splendidly lovely When the sun sets over the lake, its orange light hits the mountains in a dazzling way.

What a beautiful sight!

He look at the birds cheering loudly as they flew freely, oh he wish he could be a bird who can fly freely from this cage and escape but no he can't to this heavy chains to the guards outside he will just get caught

Instead he will think of another plan to.. But what if he escape? Will sanzu he alo-shitty brain you shouldn't care about that criminal!

Ahh the way he kiss me on the foredhead gen-putang i said stop imagining it you fucking brain we need to escape from this shit hole!

Why am i being a simp now?!?!?!?



Shit fucking no im not gonna admit that i have stockholm fucking syndrome! You fucking heart! Stop thomping so fucking loud!

"wahhhhh!! I-i need to get out from here or this feelings will take over me and o dont know!"

Takemichi said to his own self he can't even focus to create an escape plan!

Ahh! I dont know now because this fucking feelings take over my brain and now my heart!

Heart you fucking traitor

Takemichi saw the wine on the table that sanzu left it looks so expensive what does it taste like? Sanzu always drink it when their doing it-

Takemichi walk over the table were the glass of wine was place on, he take the glass and take a sip-fuck wow this is good

This wine is way too elegant! Its not too bitter not too sweet but when it explored you mouth it will taste so sweet and then when you drunk it the strong bitter-sweet taste will punch your stomach!

Takemichi drank it in just one gulp

'fuck-It's really strong, because it's so sweet, I didn't even notice that with one sip of the wine, I will get drunk, how can Sanzu handle it? When he can drink the whole bottle without getting drunk-

Im suppose to think an escape plan fuck this'

To be continued

Sorry i took too long to update because when i was about to update last week i got sick it was a high fever so i didn't manage to update in even one a bit and once again sorry i took to long to update this fanfic

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