Chapter 11

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Sanzu haruchiyo
One night stand with a criminal
Chapter eleven

No one's pov

Sanzu finally reach the parking lot that his car was in,He was walking while scrolling down on his phone but got bothered when he felt someone staring at him,he just ignore it and he didn't even knew that he already reach his car so he open the car door and finally drive off,he saw who it was and why is that old man here?

He just rolled his eye's and when he reach the parking lots exit he saw an heavy rain pouring down like there's no tomorrow,he sigh and still continue to drive his Lamborghini he doesn't care if its gonna rain,he aas somewhat irritated of what the detective say's to him it keep messing in his mind and the word that the detective spotted made him even more overthink the word 'he will never love you' he didn't ask takemichi to love him cause he will make takemichi fall inlove with him he will wait or will continue if what he was doing cause he knows in the end it will be worth it

Without awareness of the road or the rain, the car moved over the highway, lights on full beam.

A few minutes have passed he finally reach his mansion,when his body guards saw his Lamborghini they knew who it was so they immediately open the gate waiting for their boss to come in and sanzu drive inside and park his car on the back door

He went inside the mansion and was surprised by his guards and maids with respect on their faces cause earlier sanzu warned them that do not get clingy on him like a wild whore and if they do he will ask them to order their coffin

He walk towards the staircase and walk to his destination  his room,he wasn't soaked in wet so he was glad cause he bring his umbrella earlier,he open his bedroom were he and takemichi was in

he saw takemichi sleeping in his bed, he breathed a sigh of relief when he saw him, the irritation he felt earlier disappeared like a bubble when he saw the man he always wanted to see, he walked closer to the bed, closer to the man he loved he never felt it with others but why when it comes to this man he feels his heart beating so hard,like a mad dog this man was so beautiful for him to handle

he held his face and caressed him gently, removing the hairs that were covering his eyes,when takemichi felt a gentle touch he open his eye's

he opened his eyes there is fear in them and this is what sanzu doesn't want to see the fear in his eyes every time he sees him it irritates him he doesn't want it

"Why are you always scared whenever you see me?" He asked, his voice full of curiosity while his eyes screamed for him to answer,takemichi find it hard for him to answer the man who was looking at him why does this look so pitiful

"Is that even a question?I'm scared of you,you ruined my life! You kidnap me! I don't want it here I want to go home...!"Takemichi yelled,then a sound of chain banging so loud as takemichi started to try to remove it,but sanzu touch his wrist and stop him he kiss takemichi without any consent and said

"Your not allowed to go home because this is your home from now on!"Sanzu yelled at him and go on top of him,takemichi stop for a moment when sanzu said that

"No! This is not my home this is what you called hell!"Sanzu grab takemichi's chair and make sanzu's face close to his,sanzu kissed takemichi deep not wanting to broke the kiss even though takemichi was pushing him away he was still deepin the kiss,he undressed takemichi's top and saw the hickey's he made

He suck takemichi's neck and started to make new hicky on it,takemichi whimper and it's like everything that sanzu was doing makes him weak,sanzu kissed him once again and this time it was gentle and kind

Sanzu broke the kissed and saw a string of saliva,he kissed takemichi's forehead then hug him tight,he don't want to let go he wanted takemichi to stay by his side he never felt this to anyone he only felt this when it come's to takemichi,Takemichi is Sanzu's weakness that's why sanzu doesn't want to let the raven haired boy go

"Just accept me....mi amor"Sanzu said then he put takemichi's rosy lips onto his,but this time takemichi let's him because no matter what he fight back sanzu will still not gonna let him go,he even don't even eat on the mansion because he believe that all the foods here were steal,sanzu broke the kiss once again

Takemichi stared, awestruck. Sanzu’s hand moved again to trace down the side of takemichi’s face, again with such care. His finger curled under takemichi’s chin,he grab takemichi's hands on kissed them with each fingertips and care,that time takemichi can't explain is he being crazy or did sanzu feed him some drug again cause this is the first time his heart was pounding which he can't explain why

Takemichi look at sanzu,not wanting what he was feeling right but when sanzu smiled at him his cheeks burn hot and his heart pound with such a rapid speed

Takemichi chose to back away but sanzu caught his wrist off guard and then he hold takemichi's both wrist using his one hand spinning takemichi down on the bed,takemichi got in complete red

He hate this feelings he hate it really but what is this? Why does his heart is pounding so loud that it made him confused,Sanzu grab takemichi's chin in gental care as he put takemichi's rosy lips into his pale one,sanzu slid his tongue down and using his tongue he made takemichi moan just by a kiss,

To be continued

Yeah this is it pancit!hope you enjoy this chapter im'ma continue my other one byeee

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