Chapter 15

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No one's pov

The mansion was silent as sanzu already left for his mission while takemichi was drunk and sleeping on the couch as the empty bottle of expensive wine was beside him, it was finally midnight and he got awoken by the loud noises outside some gunshots and some shouts  he was about to ran over to the door to take a look but then the chains on his hands stop him so he can just listen he tried to break the chains but he can't,

He was occupied by the noise and the chains that he was trying to remove that he didn't notice that the phone was ringging and all he felt was a hard smack on his head, and all he saw is a man with black face mask on and after that he lost consciousness

'whats.. Happening?'

2 days later..

Bonten's pov

Sanzu was on his mission killing some traitors in another country drinking so many pill so that he can forget takemichi's face at once,

"Sanzu your spot was here infront of the gate i want you ra---the fuck are you even listening?" Koko said to sanzu as he smack his head hardly

"maybe he was thinking of the bitch that he had at his mansion~" Rindou said with a michievious smile written all over his face, it take minutes for sanzu to look at him but it looks like sanzu is not irritated at all or annoyed, well eventually sanzu would react and curse him but no he just remain silent

" ohh~ he finally learned philippine constitution 1987 article 3 section 1"Ran said calmly as he sip his wine while driving his bugatti

" Ran here in our organization we don't like laws so whats with the republic fucking act? "

" i just want to look smart stfu koko" Ran said and smiled calmly once again like he usually do

"you don't have any rights to shut me up!"

"yeah yeah whatever you say money maker"

Ran said then laugh outloud not noticing another car driving fastly, Rindou saw it and prepared his gun to shut the driver he pulled the bugatti's window and then shut the owner of the fast car who nearly crash with them

"thats what you get asshole"

They all laugh except sanzu who was still cleaning his gun, Ran who was laughing his ass out got his attention on sanzu. He raised his right brow with a confuse face and said

"Sanzu we can't finish our mission if your bother about something" Ran said then rindou look at sanzu, koko who looked done with rindou look at sanzu as if rindou didn't do anything

"Yeah cotton candy hair he is right"

"Im not bother of anything, now can you focus on your way ran we might get accident because of you and for the matter of fact we almost did earlier!" Sanzu yelled and then look at the window with a calm face

"You know what sometimes i get you and sometimes i dont" Ran replied looking serious

After that conversation they are finally at the base that they are assigned, the scene takes place at philippines manila.The target was the biggest criminalization on the Philippines 'Ethan Hernandez' the most wanted criminal in the Philippines gets on mikey's nerves.

Sanzu's pov

I looked outside and saw the ’66 Chevelle, gleaming under the lights, grasshoppers falling all around it like rain.It was midnight and koko and Ran Rindou was here, we are making a plan how to get in the mansion was big and had so many bodyguards outside.

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