Chapter 13

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"Having feelings for you"

Chapter 13

One night stand with a criminal

-sanzu haruchiyo

Takemichi's pov

I woke up to see Sanzu's hands wrap around my waist as his face was burried on my neck.I felt his hot breath on my neck as he was breathing,

Takemichi was about to remove haruchiyo's hands but was stop when he saw the man shed a tear while sleeping beside him.

"N-..No...pN-..No...takeomi nii"

"M-my mouth i-i hurts"

"Senju why?"

He felt kind of pity when he saw sanzu cry and talk while sleeping,he used his thumb to wipe sanzu's tears.He let the man wrap his hands around his wrist why is he crying who is senju does sanzu haruchiyo have a family relationship with takeomi?

Why is he even stepping in on sanzu's story because of pity? Nah this guy killed so many people and yet..why does is his heart felt kind his heart is throbing when he saw sanzu cry?

Takemichi push sanzu's hands but gentle not wanting to wake the boy up when he was about to stand up he felt his wrist got grab

"D-don't leave me"

Takemichi look back only to see a sleeping sanzu with tears again in his eye's. He sighed again as a defeat and then go back to the bed and scooped back and hug sanzu's head as comfort, he look at the boy once again and just hug him like that and make himself fall asleep

As minutes grew to hours takwmichi finally woke up,He look around and saw no sign of sanzu beside him,he sigh and get back to the bed and stare at the ceiling

"finding me mrs haruchiyo?" sanzu said while bringing some tray of food on his hands while smiling gently to takemichi, takemichi back away for a bit because even though he did that earlier he was still scared of sanzu

"d-don't be full of yourself yo-you criminal" takemichi said then look away when he suddenly met sanzi's eyes and felt a hot red mark on his cheeks, his cheeks felt like burning

"im not being full of myself im just..spitting the truth mrs haruchiyo" Sanzu said then place the tray of foods on takemichis bed,He tried to feed takemichi giving him a soup of teaspoon infront of him.And for the first time takemichi accept the food that sanzu was offering him which made the scar boy shock when his boy ate the food he made

The food was made by him he fried the shrimp and make the soup and everything that the food stray have is all sanzu made.All he is waiting for is how could takemichi react would he like it did he put so much salt on the soup did he fried the shrimp too long in the boiling oil? (kumalma ka pre)

Takemichi's eye's sparkle when he taste the food, it was juicy and tasteful and the preperations? Everything was perfect,but takemichi didn't put his emotion but if he feels comfortable with a person he would be really over reacting showing how he appreciated and how the delicious the food that was prepared for him.

After a few minutes of sanzu feeding takemichi, takemichi gladly ate all the food that was prepared for him not knowing who is the one who cook it,

Sanzu took out the tray with a smile on his face, his heart and mind went cloud 9 because sanzu doesn't know how to cook when he cut ties with his brother he live on himself but never eat or cook a home made one and this is his first time to cook and yet the person he loves loved it.Even though takemichi didn't say anything earlier sanzu can say that takemichi loves it cause of how his eyes sparkle when he ate the food that sanzu made and how he manage to finish it all

After that sanzu putted it on the sink and ask his maids to clean it up after that he went to his bedroom where takemichi was in.

Sanzu open the door a d saw takemichi sitting on the couch that was close on the big window, his gentle pale skin hit the sun making his ocean baby dull eyes sparkle and his long eyelashes to just look so gorgeous and of how to cold breeze of air made its way to sanzu's room making takemichi's hair sway along with the breath of air travelling across the dark room

"can you not be pretty in one second" Sanzu said then takemichi look at him and chuckled

"im always pretty how can i do that?" and finally a normal conversation no cursing no fucking just a normal conversation that they shared, sanzu will not obliged anymore because its true

"Finally you can talk to me normally without cursing me" he said then head to the bed and sit down while watching takemichi sitting on the sofa while watching the view outside, he ignored sanzu's comment about the small convo they had, but sanzu continued it anyway

"why you want me to curse you everytime? And tell you to don't keep me in this fucking place?" takemichi began to look at him with a determine eyes that wanted to go outside

"if i let you out will you come back?" he said then stand up and get some wine on the small table near the bed

"of course you would say yes but if i let you do that you will never come back on my arms" Sanzu continued and take a sip of wine on his glass

"if you know it already then i will escape one day on my own, and yeah what you said was right thats my plan but i guess its not that easy to fool a criminal like you" Takemichi said then gave him a bitter laugh at the end of his sentence

"yeah it really wasn't easy to fool me.. But if you manage to escape on your own i will find you even if your dead i will find you why? Because i own you" Sanzu smiled then walk away leaving takemichi on the sofa

To be continued

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