Chapter two-offer

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•chapter two•

"I'm gonna make him an offer he can't refuse." The Godfather (1972)

No one's Pov

Takemichi woke up by the sudden pain on his back.His conciousness are back,but he was confuse of why is he here?He open his eye's and saw a white ceiling.He look around and felt that there was a unknown person beside him.

'Did i just-no this can't be happening!'Takemichi thought to himself,He got up with a pillow on his back.He peek to see an familliar guy.'wait is this-This! This is a criminal! Sanzu haruchiyo bonten's number 2!!'Thought to himself.

He saw a mirror beside the bed.He saw what his state he had he was full of fresh redish hickies with bite marks on his neck and collar bone.

He remove the white bed sheets only to see that his legs are full of hickies and bite marks too.He wants to cry very bad,The trainof  thought speeding on  his mind was,did he just got rape by a known criminal?

'I-i should call nao-no if i do naoto will be just in danger! This guy is the most dangerous person from bonten aside manjirou sano bonten's leader!' Takemichi's tears are threathening to fall because of what happened to him right now.Nerviousness and fearfulnesa are roaming inside of his body.He was trembling in fear,Fear of this guy might kill him or worst.

Takemichi stepped away quietly. So that he wouldn't wake up the man known as a criminal in the world.Takemichi remembers very little of what happened that night. And according to his memory,a man gave him an alcohol, he accepted it because he didn't want to disappoint man and don't want him to feel bad who gave him a wine but when he drank that wine he faced another calvary,When he drank it he felt hit all over his body,and takemichi is sure that this man who sleeps soundly in bed is not the man who gave him wine.

As he was getting away he remembered his phone and his wallet.Well he was quite glad that this man dress him up-wait why does this criminal would dress his victim up is this man crazy?Well he is according to some documents that naoto gave him,Well takemichi was just in that bar so that he can spy bonten.

And its his mistake to drink a wine from an unknown person he felt stupid and at the same time disgust of the situation he we're in right now.He just want to do his job as a police,But why did it ended up this way?He likes to puke right now but this time is not the right time he needs to search for his phone and wallet so that this criminal wouldn't recognized him sooner.

And he was quite lucky causs he saw his phone and wallet on the table that has basin with a water inside it and towel.He isn't catching this so he go towards the table of we're his phone and wallet was in,and he wants to know if what he was seeing right now we're correct.

And now that he was infront of it his eye we're correct.But he didn't focus of what he was discovered this day.He get his phone and wallet quitely.His back was still in pain,it felt like it was soring,But takemichi didn't mind it and walk towards the door quitely.He was successfully on the door and he click it,'this criminal was quite idiot,he didn't even lock it was he this careless?' He thought to himself,He open's the door quitely and shut it quitely so that he wouldn't wake this man up.

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