Chapter 9

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One night stand with a criminal
Sanzu haruchiyo
Chapter nine

One night stand with a criminalSanzu haruchiyoChapter nine

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Third person's pov

Sanzu woke up because of the presence that he was longing for got dissapear on his grasp,His eye's wide n in surprise and look for takemichi but he wasn't there his anxiety attacks thinking of did takemichi just escape while he was sleeping but how he was tied up by chains?

Sanzu look around the room and look for takemichi then he spotted the blind looking at the open window with the curtains tied up,sun setting in the background, hitting the boy’s skin gently making the fresh red marks making him look so hot , the wind howling as it made the trees outside shake,leaves from outside was falling like in a slow motion as he look at the boy,

This fucking cop is gorgeous

He thought to himself some sinful and unpleasant thoughts are singing in his mind,Sanzu calm himself down cause he knew that if he jump into takemichi he will not be able to be gentle with him,he grab his waist and put his big hands on the boy's sender curvey wait as he hug him tight face we're burried on the boy's neck smelling his scent

This time takemichi was trembling in fear so sanzu smirk and grab his face gently so that he can face the boy he pin him on the open window and made the boy look at him using his index finger while he was lifting his chin using it

"Calm down,im not going to do anything to you.....yet but not now,cause look your legs are still trembling because of how i ban-"Sanzu was about to finish his sentence but takemichi stop him using his hands to cover sanzu's mouth,Sanzu looks at him with wide eye's the cop is blushing so hard he raised his brow and put his hands on takemichi's hips

"Hmm~Are you falling for me?"Sanzu said while pushing takemichi's hair aside because it was covering his unsinful face,takemichi didn't replied and look away sanzu smirks and patted his head then he suddenly kiss takemichi's forehead,he push sanzu away

"In your dreams..."Takemichi utters with hatred and anger on his voice

"In my dreams i was fucking yo-"sanzu said then takemichi immediately ran over him and cover his mouth again but this time he felt wet in his hands,Sanzu puts takemichi's palm on his mouth and kiss it

"I'll make you fall in love with me and only think of me...i'll make you forget that cops name"Sanzu said then kiss takemichi's cheeks he looks at takemichi's hands with chain in his wrist,

He looks at takemichi's eye's oh that beautiful ocean baby blue eye's that looks good when he' s on top of takemichi

"Your always driving me crazy you know that?"Sanzu said then he carried takemichi while he was walking towards the bed,he tucked takemichi in and grab his polo he put them on the table and go to the bed to cuddle with takemichi,Sanzu wrap his hands around takemichi's waist and kiss his neck while smelling it

"..please..let me go"Takemichi utters while his voice is trembling,Sanzu ignore his question and hug takemichi even more tighter,this time and this moment takemichi finally realized he will never get away from this physcho

"I..hate you"takemichi said while smiling bitterly

"I love you too"Sanzu said then kiss takemichi's neck once again and smell his hair

He loves takemichi's hair and what its smell,its pleasant and sweet smell,Then his phone suddenly rang he ignore but the caller keeps calling bullshit he stands up and go outside,

After a minutes he get back and change with his usual style,he called for his maids and they keep flirting like a dog in heat he hate s it so he gets his gun and pointed it to their head

"Call Kira you sluts"Sanzu said as soon as he spoke the maids immediately obeyed,He waits a little longer then kira finally appeared he bowed his head as a respect and said

"Take care of takemichy for me,Do everything he says except for letting him go got that old man?"Sanzu said then get his katana and look at kira,The bodyguard nodded and sanzu left he go inside sanzu's room and saw a sleeping boy on the bed,he sighed and clean the room,Kira sits on the wooden chair and get some towel with warm water,he starts to clean takemichi but he didn't change his clothes he don't wanna die yet

Takemichi woke up by the sudden touch that he was feeling,as soon as he saw a human gesture he immediately move back making his back touch the wall

"Good morning sir im Kira your bodyguard for today cause Mr Sanzu left for some important matter,i'll be doing anything you say young sir-"He said before he stands up and bowed

"Then can you let me go? I-i promise i will keep my mouth shut and even leave the country even my job just please let me go!!"Takemichi utters pleading the old man in front of him,his eye's are starting to form a new tears

"Im sorry sir but i can't do that,Master Sanzu tells me to never let you go"Kira said while not looking at takemichi cause he knows he will pity the policeman In front of him

"Sir i'll be guarding you to the bathroom,your chain is long enough in the bathtub so you can take shower and clean yourself sir"He continued and give takemichi some new clothes,he help takemichi reach on the bathtub,Kira open's the faucet and let the water flow on the bathtub,

Takemichi was crying silently,and Kira knew it but he can't let the boy escape he will be killed along with his family and he don't want that..

"Sir can you take shower all by yourself?"Kira said,Takemichi looks at him and nodded

"Well then sir i'll take my excuse to go outside and wait for you"

To be continued


Hello thank you for reading for today s chapter!! Take care and see you on the next one

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