Chapter 21

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You don't own me

One night stand with a criminal

第二十章One night stand with a criminal

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By kyle

"Only sanzu can follow"

The announcer said as the guard held them.

"This isn't one of your stupid plan isn't it?"Mikey said as he sits down and didn't bother to argue with the guards holding the other members as they shrug the guards hold.

"No,and the item has been sold.We don't play dirty,we know if we did we will die in your arms" The announcer continued as he puts his index finger above "and also the higher ups"

"Now can we?"

Third person's pov

"Pay attention to me, baby," Sanzu said sweetly, with another kiss on his cheek, down to his neck.

Takemichi ignored him and he was about to escape but sanzu pulled him to capture his mouth without thinking twice.

Sanzu's tongue quickly met takemichi's tongue entering his mouth, sanzu kissed him like his life depended on it and so is he. Sucking and licking inside his mouth. Both of them moaning from the intense kiss.

Takemichi were too stunned by sanzu's kiss to observe how his right palm swung to the south.

But takemichi wasn't dumb enough to know how to stop him,he pushed him away because he knows he will melt on the man's touche's

And of course sanzu it is that we're talking about ,The man who bought takemichi for half a billion, The fucking men that didn't even think twice of spending so much money, hasn't stopped licking the remainder of his fluids. However, his body isn't prepared for him to tongue-fuck him again.

Takemichi clutched his face with quivering hands, then dragged him till he was hovering over him. His arms entangling him in the middle. His chin and mouth were gleaming from his cum and spit.

“Don’t look at me like that, hanagaki.” Sanzu dampen his dry lips using the tip of his tongue. He brought takemichi’s knuckles close to his lips, his warm breath lingered for a moment then his lips finally touched takemichi’s skin sending shivers all over the older body.

And all takemichj could do is watch. Watch and feel.

There he find himself,hands brushing against the waistband of his pants Sanzu clicked his tongue, “Hanagaki..” was all he said before placing his hand on takemichi’s chest making him lay flat on the hardwood.Sanzu licked a stripe on his neck before his kisses went down to his body.

He pulled away for a moment only for him to push takemichi’s shirt exposing the older’s porcelain skin and already erect nipples.

Takemichi heard sanzu's mutter curses before leaning down, leaving wet kisses all over his body and probably leaving bruises too.

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