Chapter 19

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No one's pov

(South korea,the kim's mansion)

The party was both simple and extravagant.Sanzu scanned and realized there we're a lot of people on the party that the kim's organized.There are some people he knows and there are some people he dont,but he rather stay alone than to be with those kind of people.

It was disgusting as you can see,Sanzu hated all those old geezers who acted like a superior to them.As if they we're higher than them when they exactly know that they are more dangerous than those old geezers.

"Sanzu,wait here and behave" takeomi said to sanzu,while following manjirou of where it was going.

Sanzu didn't say anything and just nodded,because like he say he rather just want to stay alone than to be with those people he dont want to talk to.

"Good evening sir do you want a cocktail?" The waiter said,now this scene is familliar,he wasn't ask like this but he was ask by a bar tender before instead.Sanzu nodded and get some cocktail,muttering the word 'thank you' he spots a good seat where people wasn't around.He sat there and cross his legs waiting for the other member's patiently.

Not unlike before that he would go around and party along with the haitani's drinking while going crazy but he was just sitting there drinking his own cocktail watching all the people fake smilling to each other as if their face's was going to come off from all of those smiling.

"They always throw a party like this when there's a huge fish they got."

A random old woman said,sanzu doesn't mean to eavesdrop on the conversation but what can he do about it the rumor was all around the party.

"An auction again?"

"Yeah,and it was said to be the most precious gem that they held.Look all the bonten members are here,it means that the item or should i say person was a great deal"

The other said,explaining that if bonten wasn't here it means its not a great deal.

Sanzu stood up from his seat and go to the bartender not until a drum and cheers suddenly fill the crowd

"Good morning ladies and also gentlemen lets start the main deal shall we? Can you all please take a seat and focus to our deal?"

The announcer exclaimed with a malicious smile on his face.Sanzu goes back to where he was sitting and watch the auction.

Few moments passed by many people are buying some treasure,some old things such as vase and other things and some are necklaces with a heart symbol.It was a ocean baby blue that it got sanzu's attention.

"Did i hear 100 thousa-"

"50 million"sanzu said all the attention was on him,the announcer clear his throat

"T-then going once? Going twice? SOLD FOR MR SANZU HARUCHIYO" koko looked at him as if he was telling sanzu to 'bitch you can buy some stupid item on this auction but can't play your own bills for your own apartment?'

Sanzu ignored koko and appreciated the cheer's that he get.The reason why he get that necklace is because it suits takemichi,and he was planning to give it to him when they meet again..

Moments later all the cheer quite down as the announcer started to smile at everybody

"Now..let's show the real deal shall we?"There was a howl a big howl human sized as we can say that appeared infront of the auction

The announcer looked at sanzu and held the mic again as he spoke

"Im sure you will ALL love this"

Sanzu's eye's widen when he saw what's behind on the curtain,it was the person he was eager to find.The person that he was looking for.Was tied there with some bruises and some disgusting marks on his neck.


To be continued

Sorry if its short😭 i'll do better next time when i've come up with an idea again.Sorry for being inactive because of my phone it can't be fixed anymore so it took long for me to buy new one😆 thats all be ready for the next chapt!

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