Chapter 20

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One night stand with a criminal

One night stand with a criminal

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By Kyle

No one's pov

Everything felt heavy when he saw the man that he was trying to find after all those years,The man that he was aiming for was there at the bars with some cuffs in his wrist full of bruises and disgusting marks.Mikey look at him as if he was expecting this,until he nodded and gave the seat to Sanzu,he wants to hold takemichi at all cost he wants to save him.

Why is he in auction?

He is priceless

My takemichi is priceless

Are you alright baby?

Did they hurt you?

Stupid question sanzu of course they did

He was about to go infront not until mikey stops him and shakes his head,He nodded at him as if asking sanzu to look around.

They are guarded with guards with guns.One wrong move and they die,Mikey wasn't stupid enough to not notice that but he wants to help sanzu.He knows that  when he had takemichi he will earn more money from sanzu so he do everything with all his power to find takemichi.

Until someone gave him some information without any risking money.

He didn't believe it at first as you can see mikey wasn't stupid enough to falk for tricks.

He knows that this will happen already,yet he ignores all the sign cause he will earn more if sanzu gets his reason to live

"Now ladies and gentlemen we move on lot number 67 who was here behind me,And we start bidding on this work of art,On this beautiful boy we start the bidding at-"

"100 million"Everyone was shock as well as the announcer,Everyone look at who it is it was none other than

"The boy on the aisle bid 100 million! Very well i see mr haruchiyo?"

This is very interesting bidding impression all of them was amuse,the boy had nothing special on his aspects but why would anyone go for that high?

"Did i hear 110million raise?"

Someone raised their hand and the announcer smiled

"The longer you spend bidding it the longer you'll spend enjoying it"

Stepping into an auction, whether it's in the hushed halls of an antique house or the buzzing pixels of an online platform, feels a bit like a dance. It's a place where each item up for bid holds a story, a slice of history or a spark of potential that awaits the right owner. This is why nailing the perfect auction item description is more than a mere task; it’s about setting the stage for that dance, guiding the spotlight to shine on each curve, edge, and story behind the item.

Think of an auction item description as a first handshake between the object and its potential new owner. It needs to be firm, reassuring, yet warm. It should tell a story, evoke emotion, and create a connection. It’s not just about flooding the buyer with facts but about painting a picture that allows them to see the piece in their lives, to feel the weight of its history, or the excitement of its potential.

"Half a billion,is that enough?"

The announcer smile grew bigger as he looks of who it was,pink haired diamond scar between his lips with a smile on his face,

Koko smack his head and said

"Where did you get all of that money!?"

"I have even more than this koko, half a million is just coins to me"

Sanzu get what he always wants,whether if its a car or even a house.

One important yet often overlooked aspect of nonprofit fundraising auctions is the auction item description. You’ve only got a few brief seconds to engage attendees as they browse item displays, making item descriptions one of the best ways to catch their attention. But how do you write a great description?when sanzu didn't even ket the announcer finish

"Fuvk yourself haruchiyo"

Koko said calming himself down this is nonsense who will spend such a money on someone he just met at the bar and on top of that it was a detective!

"A-a half of a billion?...well then..Going once? Going twice?.."

It was a moment of silence none of them raise their hands anymore to bid the item,sanzu mets takemichi's eyes looking at him as if it was scared of him,he gave him a reasurring smile and mouthed

'I'll get you out of here'

"The item was sold to mr sanzu haruchiyo!"

The three men sat at the back of their seats, spent after their long day of work. Koko was the first to say something.

“Why did you spend that much money haruchiyo.”

Koko was the kind of guy to just start blurting things out, so no ones was surprised at his clumsy attempt to start a conversation. Ran looked to his left to see if Rindou was going to chime in before asking, “Exactly, a 500 million? Really?”

Sanzu pulled his hand out of his pocket. Koko gasped in amazement. In his scarred calloused hand, he held five black cards on his hand with his name written on it.

Rindou screamed in excitement.

“I am so jealous!”

The scream broke any semblance of calm as the other occupants stared daggers at the workers wjo was looking at them with amusement.

“Way to go Sanzu,” Mikey muttered.

"Magandang umaga sainyong lahat" the announcer said

"I forgot to introduce myself didn't i?"

"We don't want any introductions can you just give us that stupid kid"Rindou said as ran just chuckled at his stupidity

"Oh is that so? Then come it me,and mr haruchiyo-"The announcer came close at the pink haired man infront of him and give hin the keys "here's your item" he continued

"He's not a thing so don't say anything such as that"He look with fierce in his eye's to the announcer he doesb't care if he will die here just don't call takemichi that way he hates it.

"Ok then follow me"

To be continued...

Thats it lets see each other again next week🤪

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