Chapter 10

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One night stand with a criminal
-Sanzu haruchiyo
-Chapter ten

One night stand with a criminal-Sanzu haruchiyo-Chapter ten

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Sanzu's pov

I never had any targets today,yeah I lied because I want to get rid of this person that I hated the most.

I want him laying on his own blood

I want to stab him using my own katana

I want him dead

I don't want to order it to someone,because I want him to beg for life..!

I wonder how can I kill him?maybe slashing his chest using my katana then taking all his organs out?

Sanzu suddenly stop when he saw his own target talking to someone on the phone,he waits for the final moment he want to kill him right on the spot but there are too many people and if he found out about it he would hate him,so he followed him

And having so much patience is not sanzu's thing,And finally his target are on the dark rode with no people around,sanzu smirk and then pointed a gun at him

"Well well seems like Mr.Detective didn't notice my pressence?"Sanzu said as he ready his gone so that if he move even a bit he would shoot him right away.But of course he would shoot him on the leg not on the head he had plans on him after all

"Who are you?.."He said,A fit of a maniacal laughter jolted through him surging with uncontrollable laughter,absurd laughter eruptions of crazed when Sanzu hears what the detective asked him

"Oh my god,You can't remember your one of the target in bonten naoto kun?"Sanzu said while his other mouth are covering his mouth because of his uncontrollable laughter that if he once remove his hands on his mouth he would blush on feverish way and will not control himself anymore

"You fucking-!"Naoto was about to finish his sentence but sanzu made his katana slash through his back,The wound was too deep that naoto could only fall on his knees

"Your too brave and didn't ask for your life so-i will just kill you,And you know what you are StUpId"Sanzu said mocking the detective who was on his knees he remove his facemask revealing his diamond mark on the both side of his mouth "Where is he?"Naoto said having a hard time to speak but he push his energy so he could do so,

"Wow so you knew?"Sanzu said as he gave him a widen eye's with smile on his face,Facing the detective who was on his knees

"..WHERE THE FUCK IS HE!?!"Did he just yelled at me? Wow how annoying but maybe if takemichi is the one to do that maybe it would be more interesting but he is a big bullshit telling at me like this!?!

I stand up then kick him on the chest making him fall down on the ground,I want to torture him but making it would look like I was the one who did it,maybe three shots on the head would be fine?

I put my katana back on the case my katana was in,but before that I wipe it using some clean towel I don't want it to get dirty by this filthy detective,When takemichi called out his name it made my blood boil that I can't even control myself to search for this man and kill him right away

My king wouldn't get mad after all this detective is getting on our way and he want to get rid of this detective,he was just bored to do it so

"Say goodbye naoshit"I said,he chuckled loudly and said

"He will never love you!why? Because you are a fucking criminal and he hates it he fucking do!he will never love you remem-"




"I said say goodbye not to let me face the fucking reality"I said then rolled my eye's,Wahh I can't wait to see you my queen! I wonder what your lips will taste like again? How will you moan my name and tell me to stop I love your voice when its calling my name the most micchan!!

Then a sudden ring on my phone that i notice who the flying fuck is it?


Hey sanzu where are you rn?

To a fucking place that I will never let you know


Do you have anything to do?


Fucking Ran haitani leave me the fuck alone


Why would I?

So..tell me where are you? Where should i locate you? Do you have anything to fucking do?


Why do you keep asking so many questions


Because you keep answering them:>

I have something important to do now leave me the fucking fuck alone!



Chill my ass you bastard you just want me to clean the torture room,I wanna go home sooner but I forgot my car on the parking lot shit

I put the bag of my katana on my shoulders letting it hang and leaving the dead detective body on there,

He's mine detective

To be continued

Now I manage to finish a one chapter! Fucking finally!

Sorry for the 1 day delay I supposed to post it on the other day but I have classes and I forgot to publish it!

Well then hope you like this chapter

It's kinda cringe I know ^v^

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