Chapter 6

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One night stand with a criminal

𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕫𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕪𝕠

𝕊𝕒𝕟𝕫𝕦 𝕙𝕒𝕣𝕦𝕔𝕙𝕚𝕪𝕠

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No one's pov

Sanzu was still on takemichi's top laying his muscular body on the small body.He wrap his arms on the boy's small curve as he small the boy's scent even more.Sanzu burried his face on takemichi's neck as he started to kiss the boy's neck takemichi started to wiggle and struggle agains't the body on top of him.

"Come on let me taste you once again.You ran away after that romantic night and i was so alone and sad darling~"Sanzu whispered on takemichi's sensitive ears as takemichi covered it sanzu smirk looking at the boy on top of him.He was blushing so hard is it from anger cause he looks angry and at the same time embarass just looking at him makes sanay want's to devour him again,Takemichi punch sanzu and said

"Don't come closer! yo-you perveted drug addict! i swear to my own grave that when i escape i will fucking capture you and make the justice torture you!!"Takemichi shouted,Sanzu wiped the blood on his nose using his thumb as he pick it and look at takemichi to cares his face

"Do you think that i will let you die or escape?No darling so shut the duck up or did my threat didn 't affect on you want me to make my words real?"What sanzu said made takemichi frozen at his spot,his face turn into horror and he was trembling in fear.Sanzu was just looking at him like he was imagining erotic scene in his head,sanzu starts to remove takemichi's sweater and it revealed the boy's body full of his reddish hickies and some bite marks.He put the boy on his lap again and starts to nibble his nicole bitting it and leaving some lustful hicky.

He look up to see takemichi's sacred look he cares the younger's face and kiss his lips as he slid his tongue in hitting the same sensitive spot that will make the boy mewl and moan.He was about to slid his finger into the boy's whole then suddenly the door burst open.

"Well well well mr haruchiyo was having fun with his drugs while we are calling you many fucking-oh" The new voice said it was gentle yet so serious his hair was purple and have some black strikes underneath it.He have some hanafuda tattoo on his neck,lazy purple eye's.Then another person came in and he have jellyfish hair cut his hair was purple and have the same strikes underneath it was the same as the other his last purple eye's in surprise.

One night stand with a criminalWhere stories live. Discover now