Chapter 16-The Letter

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Chapter 16

One night stand with a criminal

Sanzu haruchiyo


Posted by:Ewan kobwiset

Posted by:Ewan kobwiset

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Sanzu's pov

It's been two years since those gangster kidnap Takemichi,And I'm here with the old room he use things are all scattered around. All of the things he use was in here uncleaned I didn't clean this place because the presence of him will dissappear and I don't want that.

I want him here always, even though it's just a presence I always want it here I don't want to clean it. The wine was there all rotten. The bed was in a mess. And I'm here still hoping for him come back after two years.

But something bother me. I saw the aparrador were all of his used clothes was hanging.It's close earlier why is it open? Did someone break it?

Something suddenly caught my attention.. His clothes Hanging inside the closet oh his clothes are STILL there Is his scent still there the scent that I admire and love? I hope it's still there because I miss him so much, I miss his presence. My plan at first was to make him a toy but how did I fall? Wait, did I really fall? Because he complimented my scars? Or, I just want the idea that someone loved me? Wait, did he loved me?

I was about to leave when I suddenly saw a crampled paper in his polo pocket.I ignored it but why did I found myself getting the crampled paper and opening it.

My tears left my eye when I saw that it was a letter. Oh his handwriting he was detective and a policemen after all.

No one's pov

Sanzu read the letter a bunch of big amount of tears left his eyes when he read what the letter says

He wasn't expecting that much but he suddenly cried

Dear sanzu

If you're reading this, maybe I left home or something bad happened to me..and kudos to the wine I drank today. Sanzu I will come back and by that time your name will be clean from your criminal records. Sanzu I just now realized I love you I couldn't even say it ahead of time and I only uttered the word I love you in my letter I will come back and at that time I will marry you and say right in front of you and in the Eyes of God that I love you and that you are my husband.

Sanzu hugged and put the letter close to his chest while his tears are falling

"kokonoi said I should've find a new so I can focus on my job" I said as my tears keep running through my face "but how? Your the only one I want." I continued as I look at the letter once again tears dropping on the paper the ink of pen was getting scattered "It's been two years and the hope that was torn apart was fix to piece's." I got hope again that one day he will come back "I already traveled the whole Japan and and other countries just to find you." I continued "And I will start again.. Until we meet again my love"

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