Chapter 17-You're my favorite art to see

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No one's pov

Sanzu let's go of the person he keep holding on,the person he thought that it was Takemichi,it hurts him because all of those chasing he thought it was michi.

because at first he never thought he would fall for Takemichi anyways he thought it was only so called one night stand but no days passed by he keep thinking on Takemichi.

He tried to have sex with another bitch boy nor girl he tried but he can't forget Takemichi.Because the moment he saw Takemichi smiling while having those sick red cheeks he feel like he have been strucked by lighting,he felt love at first sight.This one word that describes what he felt for Takemichi one word that could explain what he felt for him

the moment he smiled at him as if God descend an angel from heaven,He felt as if God decend to the earth with the brightest smile with the most amazing smile

the smile that could change the whole entire universe that smile is takemichi's smile,it made him love Takemichi more

he was still hoping for Takemichi.

for him to come back

The tears escape from sanzu's eyes,he look at the ground for a second as he spoke and it took him for a long time to actually felt something,the tears fell from his face,he looked up as rain finally dropped every people was passing by starts to runaway.But he stayed there was the rains starts to pour on his face as his tears was also fell from his eyes

"I miss him..lord please give me a chance,let me see him again..after that I promise you I will surrender myself from the police.Just once"

he shakingly said as the rain starts to cry harder along with him.

"On the two of's only me who stays..where are you michi?why did you dissappear are you alright where did they take you?"


"We have another deal his name is Ethan kim,He's a half Korean but he lives in America,"
Koko said as he close his iPad that was filled of their clients and targets as well as the rats that was ruining bonten.

"Boss this Ethan kim is ruining our plans for bonten,he is stealing our clients as well as kiriko furoko our biggest share on the company.I think it's good to just kill him" Ran said,as he extinguished his ciggarete,then went for another one.

"Ran's right Mikey."Takeomi said as he  take another glass of wine.

"Well..sanzu what can you say about this?"Manjirou looked at red,but then what caught his attention was his eyes his puffy or bloodshot eyes. Dark circles under sanzu's eyes suggest that their grief or sadness is preventing them from sleeping.


Sanzu's pov

I don't care about what their discussing what I only care was that man who suddenly disappeared two years ago.I cant find him anywhere,damn that kidnappers who took him away from me.I can't even sleep thinking if is he eating right?no it's kidnappers they won't do any good for him..but what if he d-

fuck that thought stop the shit sanzu focus focus on finding Takemichi when is this meeting going to end I'm so eager to find him right now with the use of my connections..but it's been a year..should I ask for manjirou's help?No he would just ask me why would I want to find this person its hard for me to find him because I'm an only a executive of bonten..I'm not the leader Mikey wouldn't give us any man if we just tell him to he is going to ask for what reason.

out of a thought I just found myself looking at the windows of manjirou's office it was raining..I hope those bastard give him some comfy blankets..

"zu---san-----SANZU!" I suddenly look at who was shouting,It was kakucho he was looking at me worriedly why?what's happening..then a sudden pain was coming out of my hand blood?from who?oh shit it was from me.

"You bastard what are you doing?!?"Takeomi said putting the wine away,Ran and Rindou was just silent as well as koko they knew what's happening they were helping me to look for Takemichi after all.

"I'm fucking fine,"

I said,the cut on my hand was deep but I know I'll be fine this wound is way more far from the intestine

"what do you mean fine you almost cut your palm!?!and are you even sleeping haruchiyo?!"Takeomi said worriedly getting some comprilan and some alcohol he rinse off the wound,Sanzu was just looking at him it's a surprise he didn't budge like before

"Now sanzu that you are in your sense again what's your opinion of killing Ethan kim? who is a pest on our company?"

"Why are you even asking for my opinion manjirou?"Sanzu said,everyone was shock of what did he just said he just called Mikey manjirou,back then he was calling him boss or sometimes king why manjirou now the room was filled with silence.

Sanzu know he fucked up by the looks that everyone was giving him so he continued"then we kill him he is a pest after all"

"then that's done"

Mikey said,he stand up and sits on his chair,

"Kokonoi book a private plane with a maximum of eight passengers we're going to America"

"Yes boss"


" me."

to be continued



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