Chapter 7🔞

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Sanzu haruchiyo Chapter sevenOne night stand with a criminal

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Sanzu haruchiyo
Chapter seven
One night stand with a criminal

No one's pov

Sanzu swallowed his pills as he look at the haitani brothers and said.

"What 's the deal now?"He ask them looking straightly at they're eye's,Rindou was preparing his gun while Ran was preparing his baton.Even though they look away they can sense that sanzu wants to end this shit already,usually he don't want to end his missions and kill the enemies slowly but this time why is he in rush?

Ran smirked he looks like he knows already.'That bitch that sanzu have is really something,what does he really taste like to make this drug addict who wasn't interested in both gender became addict to him?Wonder if he taste so heart taking~'Rindou just look at his brother with bored face then,He started to spoke

"Boss said that he wanted to kill this yakuza,Because they buyed the dorayaki that mikey wanted"Rindou just take a deep breath and sigh,Sanzu look at him and rolled his eye's,

"hey I'm serious!"Rindou said,Ran just chuckled a bit because of the reason that mikey gave then.

"Your not kidding?"Sanzu said,looking at rindou in his eye's.Rindou just stroke his hair in frustration and nodded

Sanzu just sigh loudly looking fucking annoyed,Then he started to go to the enemy base without plans

"Hoy sanzu bumalik ka rito tarantado malakas sila di mo kakayanin mag isa!" [Hey sanzu get back here they are strong you can't beat them alone!]Rindou shouted to sanzu and it looks like sanzu didn't give a flying fuck about it then proceed to walk with his katana resting on his shoulder's

Shouts and cries were heard inside the base and the sound of guns went along with it. Ran and Rindou just sighed and entered the enemy's base, but what surprised them was the bloody mansion.Sanzu was standing at the middle getting all the spotlight like a main character in wattpad history.Sanzu look at the both brother's then give the boss who buy all of the dorayaki that mikey wanted.Sanzu get' s his tissue and said

"Take care of this bitch my job is done in going home"Sanzu started to walk away with the haitani brothers left dumbstrock

'What gift should i give to my takemichi??Ahh im excited to see my husband'Sanzu thought to himself then open his car door and started to drive,His top suit was full of blood.While driving he throw his purple vest and his white polo away at the back of the car.He was glad cause there is a white long sleeve polo at his car that he just saw but before he wear it he wiped himself using a dry towel.He was glad that the blood stains didn't dry on his body cause if he do he will not be able to go to any stores available.

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