parts 2: Peters start

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"My god Peter hurry up you need to get to school you can't be late AGAIN! " My aunt May called outside from my door basically yelling the last words for me to hurry up. I had been out All night stopping a bank robbery and hadn't got much sleep being spider man and All that jazz*note my sarcasm* 

"All right all right May I'm coming I'm coming don't bother with breakfast I can eat an apple on the way I say webbing one from the top self when she wasn't looking. I quickly hide the apple when she turns around " No Peter I already got you pancakes you are to eat them now you can buy food at school For school but now you need to eat up" You see only Mr stark knows about me being spider man because I got to go on a mission with him to stop Captain America and some hydra baddie, Bucky I think?. It was so cool I was all Ahhh and Sam were Ohhhh and the avenger team split in half and Wanda and Vision have feelings for each other but are too damn shy to tell anyone... anyway I'm getting distracted I ate up my food talking to May about school and at 8.00 I walked to the door grabbing my bag over my shoulder and opened the door to find a letter from the hospital May works at. "May you got a letter from your work!" I yell walking out the door. About 5 mins later I got a call from Ned my best friend.
He should be at school now why is he calling me? I question before picking up

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