Part 11:Hello Mr Stark

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Tony's pov
I'm in a meeting with Wanda and Steve when my phone rings. I don't usually get phone calls so I ignore it but when I look at the number it was Peter. Why was he calling me? What had happened. I pick up the call and walk outside to only hear Peter's very concerned voice and a quiet sob behind him? I hear Peter's voice.


Hey Mr Stark I was wondering if I could come over tonight with a friend that really needs help. I understand if I can't but please please please. He Quickly asked over the phone. Fine kid but you are to call her parents and then me what the hells going on I will call May. Okay?!. I say Thank Mr Stark for hanging up. I wonder who the friend is. I walk back inside to the meeting.

After"Who was that?" Wanda asks. "No one Don't worry bout it" "Ohh Peter has a little friends does he" Wanda says laughing slightly "Hey stay out of my head and yes he has a friend but i think something was wrong i think i heard crying and he sounded really stressed" "Im sure hes fine Tony" Steve says. Yeah I'm sure Peter and his new friend will be just fine.Time skip bc I'm a lazy lolAbout 5 mins later Peter comes running into the room with a girl. A GIRL covered in bruises and burnt clothes. "PETER WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK IS GOING ONE HERE" "Look I know this looks bad but I really need to go to my room and help out Yn" "Wait Yn as in your enemy Yn?!" "Yes yes I know but I'm leaving now." And with that he left. He just left with thus unconciesh girl his enemy in his FUCKING arms. "I need a drink" I say walking away Wanda and Steve following the same confused face as me. What the hell is going on?

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