part 3: The run in

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Yns pov "What Mj I'm nearly at school could this wait?"
" no yn no this could not I'm looking at the paper for our classes and we have all but 2 classes together"
" okay that's not so bad... so why do you sound like you lost a million dollars?" I question Mj
" well those two classes you have with, Peter" She says very quickly. I stop dead in my tracks. "What?!" I say a bit too loud " I have Peter in a class that's horrible-" Before I could finish MJ buts in
"Two" "What?"
" you have two classes with him and the same lunch break too," she says in a low voice before talking again "But don't worry we have lunch together and 3 classes you will be together so that's a plus"
" yeah I guess your right but as soon as I get to school I'm going right to the teacher who lost their mind. I'm not staying with Peter!"

We hang up and I start walking faster seeing the time I would have been fine if I had been looking where I was going so I wouldn't... Bang "Ow watch it you dumbass" I say getting off the ground only to see Peter FUCKING Parker "Oh it's You, I say with sarcasm well go ahead say you're sorry" I say knowing it's not the nicest thing to do but I can't stand Peter so I could care less "Your kidding right your the one who banged into me!" He shoots back. "Look asshole just admit you wrong say sorry so I can leave in peace before I start to smell like you" he stops to look at me and I just smile.
" yeah well maybe if you smelt like me you could get rid of the poor bitch smell that follows you around everywhere" He shoots back. I stop dusting myself off to look at him. I can't believe he said that. Most people know my family boys that rich but no one needs to say that to my face. So me being the sassy bitch I am I slap him. I JUST SLAPPED HIM!

ohmygodohmygod. Just then the professor comes over and shouts at us for being late. I didn't even notice the time flying by as we had our little fight." Great thanks a lot Peter" I say grabbing my books and pushing his shoulder as I walk past "tHaNkS a loT PETeR" he mimicked before walking away. Oh, that boy is pushing all my buttons. I keep walking to my first class which is English.
"You are late" said the teacher
" yeah yeah I know" I get inside and walk over to MJ. She looks at me with concerned eyes. Peter, I mouth to her and she nods looking back at the teacher.

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