Part 14.

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(Hey guys so I dont really know if they where in the lab or his room at the avengers tower. But for this part they are in his room. Sorry if that confuses you!)

Yn pov
Peter let's go of my hands. He doesn't move. "Aunt May?" He tells. I sit there. No reply. I look at Peter. "Hey it's okay maybe she didn't hear me" he says. I know he's lying. He knows I know too. "I'll be right back okay?" I do a small nod and he gets up. He walks out shutting the door. "What are you guys doing here? I thought you guys had a mission?!" I hear him ask. "Well you came here with a burnt suit carrying a girl you some what hated a week ago. She's all brunt and you guys have been in here for about on-two hours!" Someone yells. That's not good.

I don't listen in to any more as I try to climb out the window. An alarm goes off. I drop to the ground as Peter and some people run in. "I'm sorry I'm so so sorry. It just. I didn't mean. Please don't hurt me!" I say crying holding my head. "F.R.I.D.A.Y turn off the alarm!" A voice yells. I'm still shaking and crying. "Yn! It's me Peter. Remember we don't want to hurt you" he says softly, hugging me. I flinch away letting a small whimper escape my lips. Peter looks at me. I put my head down. The ground becoming interesting. "Can one of you go get Bruce please?" He says not taking his eyes of me. I hear a small 'Yeah' and the door shutting. I slowly stop my self from crying so much. "I'm fine I don't need to see Dr Banner" I say moving away from Peter. He looks almost sad. I scan everyone in the room.

I see black widow standing by the window holding her hands on her hips. Must be a gun there. I look and see Mr Stark holding his wrist. Maybe that's where his suit comes on. I see Mr Bucky hiding his arm. Must be his metal one. I see Miss Wanda. Her eyes are red. Must be using her powers- GET OUT OF MY HEAD! I yell in my head. Wanda falls back slightly holding her head. I smirk. That's when black widow grabs her fun and points it at me. I flinch away.

She comes closer and I back away. I can't breathe. "Nat put the gun down! Your scaring her!" Both Wanda and Peter yell at her. I fall to the ground when Peter catches me. "Yn..Yn! Come one she won't hurt you. See look no more gun" Peter says. I look up and see black widow through her gun away. I'm still holding onto Peter's shirt tightly. "What did you do to Wanda?!" Steve asked me. Coming closer. I hold Peter closer. "Just stay there okay guys" Peter says.

They stop. "I was looking in her head and she yelled at me and I didn't think she would notice" Wanda admits looking down. "What did we say abou-" "I'm sorry" I say butting in. "I shouldn't have yelled at yo-" just then someone walks in. "What happened to you two my god!" That someone yelled. "Peter I can see she trusted you the most could you bring her to the Medbay?" Peter nods and helps me up. The world spins so Peter picks me up bridal style and leads me to the Medbay. I just sigh before closing my eyes.

I'm in a gooood mood. Witch in your case is lucky. I could have made this a lot sadder. Anyway how you like it. I have a plan for the next chapter😊😊

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