part 4 the run in part 2

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                       Peter's pov
I pick up my phone to hear Neds voice full my phone laughing his head off. " oh my GOD NED you can't do that your freaked me out what happened to you why are you laughing" I say with concern he stops laughing and reply with something horrible. "You and yn have the same 2 classes and lunch break!" He says laughing at me again "Fuck you man don't lau-" before i could finish my sentence someone bangs into me
ow watch it you dumbass" someone say getting off the ground only to see yn FUCKING Miller  "oh it's You, she say with sarcasm well go ahead say your sorry" she say "Your kidding right your the one who banged into me!" I shoots back. "Look asshole just admite your wrong say sorry so I can leave in oeace before i start to smell like you" I  stops to look at her and she just smiles.
" yeah well maybe if you smelt like me you could get rid if the poor bitch smell that follows you around everywhere" I  shots back. I smirk knowing how to push her buttons well but before I can walk away she slaps me. ME. PETER FUCKING PARKER getting slapped by yn Miller. I was going to do something when the professor walk by yelling at us that we got detentionbfor being late. "Good job parker" yn says.
"GoOD job PaRKeR" I say joking her voice. She huffsa and walks away so do I continuing my way to meet Ned for Maths. I have always been good at maths never late once but now of course I have.
I say sorry to the teacher and walk over the Ned. He looks at me knowingly that I had ran into yn and he stifins a laugh. I just grab my book and look at the teacher.

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