part 9: Let's get to some Help

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yns pov

I feel safe in Peter's arms like I've known him forever. He made me feel nice and he's so ki- No stop It you don't like him yn! get your head together.

I realise what's happening and let go getting up but the world starts to spin and I fall back down only to be caught by the one and only peter parker yay *note our sarcasm* "Yn you can't walk okay just let me help you" he says helping me up. I don't want him to think I need him but I know I can't get home by myself. Home shit HOME. "Peter, what's the time!?" I say nearly yelling. "I'm nearly 5 why?" Shit I thought I needed to get home. But I can't not like this. Well I was thinking I heard Peter mumbling on the phone to someone.

Peter's pov

I was hugging y/n as she all the sudden jumped out my arms, nearly falling over. Luckily to my spider sense I caught her before she could fall
"You can't walk okay let me help you" I say helping her up. "Peter, what's the time?" She asks.
"Nearly 5, why?" I say. I see her freaking out and I know she wouldn't want to go home so I call up Mr Stark.

Hey Mr Stark I was wondering if I could come over tonight with a friend that really needs help. I understand if I can't but please please please. I basically beg over the phone. Fine kid but you are to call her parents and then me what the hells going on I will call May. Okay?! Thank Mr Stark
I say getting off the phone. I turn towards y/n who is dragging to keep herself up at this point. "I can't go to my parents, they don't know I'm going to be in so much trouble" She says freaking out again. "You're not going to your parents. I texted them telling them you're staying the night you're coming with me." I say grabbing onto her, getting us out of the sort of the now trashed bathroom. "Thank you" I hear her whisper. "No problem" I whisper back earning a small smile from her

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