Part 15

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Y/n pov I feel a comforting warmth as Peter carries me. The hallway lights blur past, and I can hear muffled voices, a mixture of concern and frustration. My body feels heavy, like I'm underwater, but Peter's arms are steady and secure. We reach the Medbay, and I feel the cool air of the sterile room as Peter sets me gently on a bed. "Stay with her," a voice says, likely the medic or maybe Steve. I hear footsteps retreating, leaving Peter and me alone. "Hey, Yn," Peter's voice is soft and soothing. "You're gonna be okay. Just breathe." He squeezes my hand reassuringly. I nod weakly, trying to ground myself. "I'm sorry," I whisper, feeling tears sting my eyes. "I didn't mean to cause trouble."

Peter shakes his head. "No, it's not your fault. Wanda shouldn't have probed without your permission. You had every right to react." The door opens again, and a different pair of footsteps approaches. I open my eyes to see Natasha, no longer holding the gun, her face soft with concern. "Yn," she begins, her voice gentle, "I'm sorry for scaring you. I overreacted." I bite my lip, feeling a mix of fear and guilt. "I just... I didn't understand what was happening. It was too much."

Natasha nods, taking a step closer but stopping at the edge of the bed. "I get it. You have every right to feel that way. We'll make sure it doesn't happen again." Peter glances at Natasha, then back at me. "Yn, you need to rest now. Let the medics take care of you. I'll stay here with you." "Thank you," I murmur, feeling exhaustion wash over me. Peter stays by my side, his presence a comforting anchor as I drift into a restless sleep. Vague snippets of conversation float around me, something about security protocols and training sessions, but it's all a distant hum compared to the heavy blanket of sleep pulling me under.

When I wake, the room is dim, a soft glow from the monitors casting shadows on the walls. Peter is still there, half-asleep in a chair beside the bed. I shift slightly, and his eyes snap open, instantly alert. "Hey," he says quietly, leaning forward. "How are you feeling?"

"Better," I reply, my voice hoarse. "Thank you for staying." He smiles, a tired one but genuine smile. "Anytime. We look out for each other, right?" I nod, feeling a little more at ease. Despite the chaos and confusion, there's a sense of safety here, surrounded by people who care. The road ahead might be challenging, but at least I won't have to face it alone.

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