part 6: Well this stinks

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Yns pov
I run out of detention and rush to the girls bathroom locking the door after checking no one is inside. "no No NO!" I yell well my hands start to glow a red colour. " come on come on no no no not now I'm not home I cant" I yell. A few weeks ago weird stuff started to happen like my hands glowing and I could make a fire ball appear and disappear WITH MY HANDS. I don't know what else I can do except water and fire. I can also move stuff with my mind. Like a knife when I dropped it I made it freeze in mid air right before it cut my foot
There goes the mirror I touched it once and the glass shattered I got down on me knees when my hands started to lift up random stuff and set fire. I couldn't stop it! I'm a monster. Hydra made me in to thus monster.

I grab some glass and start cutting my wrist with it. It grew as a habit when I feel down and so I guess it's back. Sometimes I wish I would ju-
" YN ARE YOU OKAY" Peter shit what am I going to do there us burnt paper and flying toilet seats and I see a window I was going to get up and make a run for it when I feel two strong arms swirl around me catching me in a hug" hey ,Hey it's okay look what happe-" He was utterly cut off when my hands balled up a tiny flame and burnt the wall burning a hile in it. He stood up letting go looking me up and down. He was scared I knew he was I would be to. But then he looked down at my hands and noticed the blood dripping down my wrist. I quickly hide them in my sleeve and run for the window. But just before I could make it a web pulled the window shut. Wait a web like spider- My thought where slowly cut off when I feel cold water running over my wrists. I look up to find Peter holding my arms under the cold water. I didn't even know I got here. I pull my arms away from his touch
" you need to leave here right now Peter" I say turning off the tap.
"No why would I do that yn!?"
" Peter don't push it" I say seriously.
" you can't expect me to leave you here with fire coming out if your hands and bleeding. For the love if god yn put your hands back in the water" he says matching my tone looking at me warningly.

Hey lovely people just wanted to say hi and if you have any other ideas on who I should wrote stories about love yah bye😙

Peters pov

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