Part 10.Your Peter friend

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You and Peter manage walk well you basically sliding out of the school. You get about half way out when you ask. "Where are we going peter?" It was true I had no idea where but I needed some new clothes. My pants are covered in dirt and water and my top is nearly burnt off. "To Mr Starks place". My face drops and I try to let go but Peter holds me tighter. "Don't worrie he doesn't need to know about your powers yet we are just going there because it's the closest place. And I don't want to explain this to May" We laugh a bit only to grab my rib in pain. It's hurts so much I start to cry. "Yn what's wrong?" "My ribs it hurts so so bad!!" I scream. Peter looks around not knowing what to do. Then her grabs me so my legs are around his waist and swings us to the building. WAIT HE'S FUCKING SPIDERMAN!. Ohmygodohmygod. My thoughts where running so wild I didn't even realise we are right outside the Avengers building.

Peter's pov.
I pick yn and we walk outside. Well I walk she kind of just gets dragged along by me. We make it outside when she asks me where we are going i say Mr Starks place and she freaked out I tell her he doesn't need to know about her awesome powers so she calms down. We make it half way when she screams in pain grabbing her rib. I don't think twice to put on my Spider-Man mask and put her around my waist. Yup I'm going to swing ALL the way to Mr Starks place. Fun. We get there are yn still holds onto me. Luckily I'm wearing a mask or she might see the flaunt blush on my face. What no EW you don't like HER YOU DUMBASS. Anyway I tap her and she let's go still putting weight on me and we walk in

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