part 7: you think I'm a monster ?

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                           Yns pov
Before I could say anything else Peter grabs my arms to pull my hands back under the water but my powers thought other wise and started to burn up hurting him in the process causing him to let go and grab his arm.
"Shit shit ow ow ow" he cries. His hand going all red. I stand there in shock. I did that. I hurt Peter parker. I fall to the ground in tears crying my heart and soul out. I start to hyperventilate and find it hard to breathe. 

Oh god right now really a panic attack. I can't stop myself I keep crying doing nothing feeling everything at once. Seeing fire and rocks and blue and then I feel two arms cuddle up to me pulling me in their lap their head on my shoulder telling me to breathe in and out and in and out. I feel, safe. I feel someone brushing my hair with their fingers tell me to breathe.

I start to calm down and that's when I hear Peter ask. "Can I have your hands , please" he asks this time not trying to hide the concern in his voice. I nod slightly not trusting my voice at the time. He slowly grand my hand and runs the cold water over them ever so slightly dabbing them with a paper towel.

"I'm sorry"  I manage to crock out. "Don't worry bout it" he says giving me a slight smile before going back to my hands. "No Peter i hurt you and I'm so so sorry about it I should have just locked the door... Wait I did lock the door how did you get in?!" I ask. "Through the window" he says with a slight chuckle I join in to. "I'm really sor-" "how long"
"What?" I ask. "How long have you been doing this" he asked moving his fingers up my arm slightly grazing over the scars. "About 10 years"  I crock out starting to cry again. He hold me again this time like his life depends on it. I wanted to stay like this forever however all good things must come to an end.

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