Part 12. We have stuff to explain

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Yns pov

Ow my head hurts like a bitch. Weĺl in saying that my whole body feels like u got hit by a car I get up and look around me and find me in someone's room. I start to remember last nights events. SHIT. I yelled quickly covering my mouth. I hear the door open to find a very worried Peter? Hey Peter what r u doing here. I ask. What am I doi- Are you just going to sit here like you don't know!! Your hands had fire and you nearly died and your fine WHAT THE HE'LL HAPPENED!!. He really yelled. I started to cry. I hated it. I always free up with crying is for the weak. I start to cry more and I start to hyperventilate. Shit. I elhear Peter mumble and he walks over to his or my bed. He pulls me in a hug rocking me back and forth. I'm sorr can't my. I can't say anything and I hate myself for that. Hey hey look it's okay I'm sorry for yelling. I was just really worried and you handy woken up for nearly 4 hours and I k ow you didn't want anyone to know so could ask Tony or Bruce to do..  He starts to ramble and I giggle. He stops. Your rambling Peter. I say laughing. Uh here the Y/N I know. He says laughing. But I really need answers okay. I sigh know I need to tell him
Okay well when I was a baby...

Heheheheh cliffhanger sorry not sorry keep reading to find out.

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