Something Fishy

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Lewis, Emma, and I left early in the morning to go to Mako Island and hopefully find some answers

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Lewis, Emma, and I left early in the morning to go to Mako Island and hopefully find some answers. this time we took a boat with lewis. as we get to the beach Lewis looks around. Lewis says "so this is the place that turned you guys into fish." Emma says annoyed "a mermaid, Lewis." he says "yeah, that's what I meant." I ask "can we just get this over with?" Emma asks "why?" I say "the sooner we find answers the sooner I can get back to bed." Emma and Lewis laugh. Lewis says "I don't know. I just expected something a little more club med." Emma and I just walk away and he follows.


after a few minutes of hiking through the jungle/forest, Emma says "see that volcano? the caves are up there." I say "yep. where we turned into fish." Emma says "Mermaids." Lewis asks "what? way up there." Emma says "we want to find out how this happened. that takes hard work, Lewis. come on." I say "I hated this hike the first time. I hate it, even more, the second."


we finally get to the outside of the caves. Emma says "the entrance is down there near the waterfall. we can't get any closer or we'll" Lewis cuts her off saying "I know the whole beached whale." Emma says "Mermaid, Lewis." he says "yes, that is what I meant." I say "this is worse than spending a day with Miriam." Lewis asks "so, how do you guys get in?" I say "simple, swim." Emma explains "there's an underwater entrance." he asks "Swim? so, the hike was optional. I could've swum?" I say "not in Emma's eyes." Emma explains "50 meters, without coming up for air?" he says "right. point taken. air is good. anyway, it's better that I discover the pool the same way you guys did. it's much more scientific that way." Emma warns "just be careful you don't fall." he says "Emma, please I am a scientist. and I know exactly what I'm doing." then he slips and falls into the cave. Emma says "we'll meet you down there." then she jumps in the water and swims that way. I yell "to be fair, she did warn ya. see ya." and I jump in the water and head for the moon pool.


Lewis looks around in amazement. He mutters a small "Woah." Emma smiles and says "pretty cool, huh? So where do we start?" He says "first I'd like to map the space and then get some rock and some water samples and test it. Something in this environment triggered your transformation. And if I can figure out what that something was, then I can figure out how you got your tail and then start asking why." I say "it's magic guys. It can't be explained with science." Lewis says "magic doesn't exist. There has to be a scientific explanation. Plus don't you want to know why your tail is different from Emma, Ricki, and Cleo's?" I say "so, I'm not sitting in a moon pool with a giant teal tail and magical powers? But of course, I wanna know why I'm different. But it's magic, not science." He gives me a look and Emma says "it never hurts to try and find some answers, Madi."


After that, I headed to the beach to clear my head. I walk along the beach listening to the calming of the waves hitting the shore. after a few minutes, I hear someone yell "Madi!" I turn my head and see my older brother. I smile and ask "what's up nerd?" he says "first off, I'm not a nerd. second off, nothing much just saw my baby sis looking troubled and thought she could use some company." I smile and say "thanks." he smiles and asks "now, what's on your mind?" I sigh and ask "you ever feel like you are the only person in the world? like no one will understand what your going through?" he gives me a questioning glance and I quickly say " never mind." he says "wait. let me give you some advice. first, no matter how alone you feel, you will always have me and Dallas and Dad will always be here for you. secondly, you are never gonna go through anything alone. Rikki, Emma, Cleo, lewis, Dallas, dad, me, and even mom will always be here for you. in person or not." I smile and hug him saying "thanks, roman. you are the best big brother ever." he shrugs and we continue to walk in silence till Emma texts saying emergency at Cleo's. I smile and say "gotta go. talk to you later."


Rikki, Emma, Cleo, and I all sit in Cleo's room. Apparently, Cleo wrote a diary about our lives as mermaids. I sit on the floor with my head in my hands, Cleo on the bed, while Emma paces. Emma yells "are you crazy! you wrote a diary?" Cleo says "just a little one." I say "there shouldn't be one. period." Emma adds "with every little detail about our mermaidness. including Madi's different tail!" I get up angry and yell "What!" Cleo says "I'd never let anyone see it." she gets up to grab it. she searches through a drawer and then turns to us "it's gone." I say to her and Emma "you guys fix this. before it causes us problems. I have other things to do like talk to my dad about courts and lawyers and shit." I walk out annoyed.


a few days later, Emma texts me saying the kids let it go and we are good. the dairy is destroyed. we got a nanny for Dallas. so Rowan and I are in the clear for babysitting now. which is good cause now I can focus on my homework and songwriting and rowan can focus on whatever sport he decided to pursue. my dad hasn't called me back about the lawyers and stuff yet. later the girls' message says lewis wants to meet and talk at the moonpool. so I head out there.


we all sit in the moonpool while lewis sits on floaty drinking out of a coconut. He says "the story is I've tested everything, the water, the rocks, the soil, the lichen, even the dust." Emma asks "and what did you find?" I raise my hand and say "woo, can I guess? I got a guess." Emma looks at me and I lower my hand and shut up. he says "everything is normal." Emma asks "so, that's it? you're done?" he says "Hey, I am putting in 100 percent." I say "you didn't find anything 'cause it's not science. it's magic. you won't find anything." Emma and lewis give me a look. Rikki asks "so, Cleo, what did you do with the diary?" Cleo says "don't worry, I took care of it. No one's ever going to find it again." I say "thank god."

*not my best but to be honest I never liked this episode. I will also be skipping the episode, young love. because there is no way for me to fit Madison into it.*

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