Under The Weather

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we're all at Emma's this morning, we decided to walk to school together

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we're all at Emma's this morning, we decided to walk to school together. her mom made homemade yogurt, so, we all have some. it's so good. Rikki says "your mom is a kitchen goddess." I say "screw that. can she be my mom?" Cleo asks "how does she make this yogurt?" Emma says "who knows? but we've got to get going. biology Exam today, remember?" Rikki says "there's plenty of time for that." Emma says "I don't want to miss it. I studied all weekend." I ask "Weekend? I studied all week. I still feel like I'm going to fail." Cleo says "you pass every test, Madi. you're gonna do great." I say "I can't just pass. I need to do amazing if I want to get into Julliard." Rikki says "that's in 3 years." I say "I know." Rikki rolls her eyes and asks "so what's the flavor? is it blueberry or..." Emma asks "you two haven't studied, have you?" Rikki says "no. does it show?" Cleo says "I only managed 20 minutes. and every minute was agony." Emma says "You're hopeless. at least Madi and I studied. so, can we go?" I say "yep. if we get there early I can get some more studying in." Rikki and Cleo relent and Rikki says "All right. all right. such a stress head." we head outside to go to school and hear thunder rumbling. Cleo says "nothing to worry about. I checked the weather report and It's meant to clear up." then lightning and thunder hit louder. and it starts down pouring. I say "I don't think we are making it to our exam." Rikki says "we wouldn't even make it to the street without growing tails." we head back inside. Rikki says "so, turning into a mermaid isn't an option, we have to stay here." I groan and say "I can't miss this exam." Emma says "we can't just sit here. I studied all Saturday and Sunday for this exam." I say "I need to get a good mark for college. missing it isn't an option." Rikki says "Relax, there will be others." we all sit on the couch. Emma and I upset about the Exam. Emma says "that's not funny." Emma's mom walks into the room and says "why are you girls still here?" Cleo says "there's a typhoon outside." Emma says "it's bucketing down. we're stuck." her mom says "well, I'll drive you. the car's just out front." I whisper "what are we gonna do? we can't go out there!" her mom says "come on." we get up and walk to the door. we stand outside looking nervously at the rain and where the car is. I say "we'll never make it." her mom says "it's just rain. a bit of water won't hurt you. come on." she tries to grab Cleo to convince us to go out. Cleo says "I really don't think we should, Mrs. Gilbert." we all head inside. Her mom comes in and says "it's just a quick dash, Cleo. what's the matter with you?" Cleo then faints and we catch her. I ask "Cleo! Cleo, are you okay?!" she doesn't respond. Emma's mom says "Cleo? Cleo, are you all right?"


we get Cleo alert and on the couch with a blanket. Mrs. Gilbert comes off and asks "How are you feeling?" Cleo says "not so good. I'm kind of dizzy. and I've got a headache. and my tummy hurts really bad, and a cough." then she fakes a cough. she says "it's really hot. is the heater on?" Mrs. Gilbert shakes her head and checks Cleo's temperature with her hand. she says "No. you might have a fever. just wait here." she goes to get a thermometer. Emma asks "why did you fall down like that?" Cleo says "I don't know. it just came to me. brilliant, huh?" Rikki says "award-winning performance." I smile and say "you are a genius, Cleo." she smiles. Cleo says "someone had to think of something." Emma asks "so, do you have any plan happening here?" Cleo says "I'm making it up as I go along." Mrs. Gilbert comes back with the thermometer to check Cleo's temperature. she says "here we go." Cleo asks "um, do I have to?" Mrs. Gilbert nods. she puts it in Cleo's mouth. Emma says "Mum, I don't really think she has a temperature." her mom says "well, we'll wait and see, won't we?" Rikki uses her power on the thermometer. I smirk and whisper "smart." she nods at me with a smile. Mrs. Gilbert grabs it and looks troubled. Cleo asks "what's wrong?" she says "Oh, there's nothing wrong. you just stay here and relax." Mrs. Gilbert walks away and Emma says "I hate lying to my mom. we have a family policy to always tell the truth." Rikki asks "have you told her you're a mermaid?" Emma says "No." Rikki says "so, it's a flexible policy, you might say." then we hear Mrs. Gilbert on the phone "yes, darling, I thought that too. all right, yes, you do that. ok, then. bye bye." and she hangs up and comes back in. she says "that was Neil, he's going to call a doctor." Cleo says "eh, you don't have to do that. I'm fine, really. it's, it's not that serious." Mrs. Gilbert says "people don't just faint without a reason, especially young, healthy girls. you just stay there and don't move. you three, on the other hand, have to get to school. but I will call your parents first." we all look at each other nervously. Mrs. Gilbert gets up to call Cleo's parents. we look outside and it's still downpouring. Rikki says "we've gotta do something." I say "I don't think we have any other options." Mrs. Gilbert comes back into the room. she says "all right. come on, girls, let's get going." Emma falls slightly and says "oh no, I'm feeling dizzy. and hot. I think I'm about to cough." Mrs. Gilbert goes and helps her to the couch. Mrs. Gilbert says "this is very bad. you, young lady never get sick." I sit on the couch and say "Holy, it's really hot in here. can we turn the heat down?" Mrs. Gilbert says "the heat's not on." I start to cough and say "I'm not feeling too good." Rikki starts to move her flannel and says "come to think of it, I'm feeling a bit hot myself." she comes and sits down too. Rikki says "wait now I'm cold." Mrs. Gilbert goes to grab something and Rikki says "No, hot again." Emma yells "me too. hot and cold flashes." I yell "I've got a bad headache!" Mrs. Gilbert comes back with more thermometers and some Advil and water. she passes me the medicine and water and once I drink it puts a thermometer in my mouth then Rikki's and Emma's. she says "this is terrible. how could you all come down with something so quickly? unless you ate something?" and she looks at the counter with our bowls of yogurt. she asks "did you all eat the yogurt?" we all nod. she yells "Elliot!" she comes back over to grab our thermometers. Rikki makes Emma and Mine hot. Mrs. Gilbert looks at it and says "Oh, my." Elliot comes in and asks "what did you want, mom?" she goes to him and says "oh, Elliot just don't eat any of that yogurt." but he already ate it. she checks his forehead

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