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Emma texts and says "we should meet up and talk tonight, at Cleo's" we all agree, and later that night I head to Cleo's

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Emma texts and says "we should meet up and talk tonight, at Cleo's" we all agree, and later that night I head to Cleo's. we're all sitting on her stairs while Emma talks to us about the old woman Cleo always talks about. Apparently, Zane gave the old lady a heart attack. Emma says "The ambulance guy said it could've been more serious. she stopped taking her medication." Cleo says "poor lady." Emma says "her name's miss Chatham." Lewis asks "is she that weird old lady who lives on a boat?" Emma says "yeah. that's her. how do you know her?" he says "no, no, I don't. I've just heard about her. she lives on that leaky old wreck. no friends, no family. all alone." Cleo says "she's the one that seems to know all about the full moon and our powers and our tails and Madison." Lewis says "some people say she's a witch." Rikki asks "And if they said she was the Easter bunny, would you believe that?" He says "there was a time I didn't believe in mermaids either." I say "he's got a point." Emma says "hey, you've been really quiet, what's up?" I say "nothing, I just don't really have any input on this." they nod. I thought Zane was nice but after what Emma told me happened I can't see myself with Zane. ever. as we go to leave I pull Rikki aside and say "remember how I told you I had a tiny crush on Zane?" she says "Yeah..." I say "well after that I can fully say That I no longer like him. Zane Bennett's a pig." she smiles and puts her arm around me and says "Atta-girl. don't worry we'll find you a boy. now, let's go." I Laugh and we take off.


The next morning Rikki and I are at Emma's. her mom is drinking coffee in the kitchen. Rikki asks "so, where's Emma?" her mom says "um, I'm not sure. she just said she was going out for a while." Rikki says "All right. we said we'd all meet here. but that's all right, no hurry. I can fill in time." her mom asks me "Madison, did you do any sports when you were in London?" I smile and say "No. but I spent a lot of time writing and singing." she says "that's wonderful." then we hear the door open and her mom says "that must be Emma now." we walk over and Rikki says "it's about time. where have you been?" her words fall short when we see her and Miss Chatham walk in. Emma says "don't stare it's rude. this is Miss Chatham. miss Chatham this is-" miss Chatham cuts her off saying "you must be Rikki and Madison." Rikki says "uh, yeah." Emma says "Mom? we've got a houseguest. the hospital discharged Miss Chatham. she'll be fine if she takes her medication and gets some rest. I thought this would be a good place for that. okay?" her mom flustered says "that'll be fine, darling. hello, I'm Lisa." Miss Chatham says "I don't want to be a bother. but Emma insisted. she can be very strong-willed." Lisa says "yes, I've noticed. could we have a word please." she and Emma walk away. Rikki and I go sit. Cleo walks in saying "sorry I'm late, I-" but stops when she sees Miss Chatham. Miss Chatham says "hello, Cleo." Cleo walks further in saying "oh, hi." Lisa walks over and says "all right. uh, Miss Chatham, if you'd like to come with me, I'll show you to the spare room." Miss Chatham says "oh, you're very kind." she gets up and they walk away. once they are gone, Rikki asks "you brought her here?" Emma asks "what could I do? The harbormaster wants to move her boat from the marina. he says she can't stay there." Rikki says "but you brought her here." Emma says "just for a while. we'll try and talk to the Harbormaster. make him see some reason." Cleo says "Emma, this old lady knows about us. about Madison. what if she says something to your mom or dad." Emma says "she won't. she's smart and I'm sure she's discreet." Cleo says "you hope." Emma says "Look, Cleo, we're probably worrying about nothing. I mean has she ever actually said to you, "I know you're a mermaid"?" Cleo says "not in those words exactly. but everything she said about the full moon and Madison turned out to be true, didn't it?" I say "look, whether she knows or not I agree with Emma. besides even if she does try to blab I have high doubts your parents are just going to believe her." Emma smiles at me but Rikki and Cleo still look unsure.


a few hours later we walk into the room where Miss Chatham is talking to Lisa and Elliot. we hear her say "still, I couldn't get rid of the Lorelei. we had so many happy memories on her. oh, look, Emma's back. she knows a lot about the water." we all go wide-eyed and I whisper to Rikki and Cleo "I change my mind this is bad." they nod. Emma says "uh, I don't think so. I don't swim competitively anymore." Miss Chatham says "right. not competitively. still. the Lorelei has served me well. if I had to start her, I'm sure the motor will start." Elliot asks "and what if it doesn't?" she says "oh, you just have to make the water work for you. right, Cleo?" Cleo asks "what? oh, no, I wouldn't know." then the phone thankfully rings. Lisa gets up to get it. Chatham grabs Cleo's necklace. she says "Gracie?" Lisa brings over the phone and says "for you. it's the Harbormaster." she takes the phone and answers. Rikki says "now she's getting phone calls here." Miss Chatham says "Hello? what? but, uh...uh but you can't- well, no, but- but you can't." then I assume the Harbormaster hung up. Emma asks "what is it?" Miss Chatham says "they're, um, they're taking my boat away from me. they say I can't use it anymore. it doesn't meet their silly regulations. it's all I've got and they're taking it away." I look at her with sympathy.


Emma grabs supplies and drags us to go fix up Miss Chatham's boat. Emma says "Rikki, it's her home. we've gotta help her." we look at it and in nice terms, it's a rust bucket. Cleo says "you're kidding." I say "not even a miracle could help this." Rikki says "it's a pile of junk." Emma says optimistically "a coat of paint will spruce it up. now stop arguing and start painting." Rikki says "it needs more than paint. it needs a new boat." Emma says "Rikki being negative, what a surprise." I say "Rikki is kind of right. it needs new fire extinguishers, by the sounds of what Miss Chatham was saying A new motor, possibly a new engine, the rust needs to be dealt with, a new coat of paint, and many more." they all look at me and I say "I spent 14 years with my dad. he loves building things." Rikki says to Emma "see? get real. we can't do this." the Harbormaster says "and even if you did, it's not gonna make a difference. I know you're trying to help, but you're wasting your time. the boat's got rust all through the structural framework. do I need to go on? she's better off without it." Miss Chatham comes up and says "that is your opinion. not mine. I'll be leaving now. thank you." she pushes her way through onto the boat." he stops her and says "you know you can't do that. I've referred this matter on. the boat has been impounded by the water police. it's not sea-worthy." Miss Chatham says "it's my home. I live here." Emma comes up and says "Miss Chatham, they're just doing what they think is right. they're trying to help." she says "I've got to get my things." she whispers something I can't hear. Emma says "let's just go home, back to my place, we'll talk about it there." I see Zane walking up and I roll my eyes. she says "I want what's mine. they're after my treasure. all of them." Rikki, Cleo, and I walk by Zane but he says "one sec, Nate." he runs and grabs my arm. Rikki looks at me. I hand her my stuff and say "I'll catch up." she nods and takes off. he says "hey, what's up with that lady?" I ask "why do you care?" he says "I don't know." I scoff and say "you know, I actually thought that under that whole I'm better than everyone else persona you put on, I thought there was a decent human being there but yet again I'm proven wrong. goodbye, Zane." he says "Madison, wait!" I ignore him and keep walking.


Later that night we all eat at Emma's. Neal, Emma's dad, says "That was delicious." Lisa who is cleaning in the kitchen says "well, I can't talk all the credit. this was Miss Chatham's recipe for Clam Chowder." Neal says "well, it was brilliant." Miss Chatham says "thank you. oh, I'll help clean up." Lisa says "oh, nonsense. Cleo, could you help get Miss Chatham nice and comfortable on the sofa, please? and don't forget to take your medication." Cleo, Miss Chatham, Rikki, and I all go to the living room.


after a few minutes, Emma joins us and we all talk to Miss Chatham. she says "Friendship. that's the most important thing. I appreciate what you're trying to do for me. but the burden you carry is too great to carry alone." Cleo asks "wait. what Burden?" we all shake our heads and Cleo says "oh, that one." Miss Chatham says "when you're different it helps if you have friends who understand. I had friends." Rikki asks "did they? did they dress like you?" Emma looks over at Rikki with a glare. Miss Chatham ignores the question and says "this was long ago. we were younger. I wasn't always this old. or maybe I was. hm." Emma asks "when you say Burden, what do you mean?" Miss Chatham sighs and says "when it got too great for me, I had to give it up." Cleo asks "you can do that?" Miss Chatham stands up and says "it's getting late. I think we should all be in bed." Rikki says "but it was just starting to get interesting." Emma says "Miss Chatham's right. it's late." Miss Chatham says "good night, girls." Emma asks "would you like me to show you to your room?" Miss Chatham says "oh, it's all right. I know where I am going." Cleo says "see you tomorrow, Miss Chatham." Miss Chatham heads to bed.

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