Chapter 18

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The trio walked through the woods, making small talk here and there, but for the most part, they were quiet, listening for the monster they were hunting

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The trio walked through the woods, making small talk here and there, but for the most part, they were quiet, listening for the monster they were hunting. Monster hunting. They were really monster hunting. A few days ago, the thought that Ryan Fordman would find herself walking through the woods with Jonathan Byers and Nancy Wheeler as they hunted a faceless monster would've made her laugh. It was just ridiculous to think about even as they were doing it.

Ryan walked a few steps ahead of Jonathan and Nancy, having more experience with a gun than both of them. Jonathan and Nancy her swapped weapons before they had entered the woods, Jonathan now being the one to carry the bat while Nancy had his gun. It was an outcome Ryan never saw coming.

"You never said what I was saying." Nancy said suddenly, the subject changing from what subject was easiest in school.

Ryan turned around in confusion, "What are you talking about, Nance?"

"The pictures Jonathan took."

"Okay, I'm tuning out now." Ryan waved them off. "I don't wanna know."

The pictures had been pushed to the back of her mind after the mess she found herself in. She certainly didn't want to drag the issue back up again. Instead, she thought about her mother's journal. Her personal thoughts and feelings were inside the book in Ryan's bag. It was like carrying around a piece of her mother.

"That's such bullshit!" Nancy exclaimed loudly from behind her.

Ryan jumped, turning around slowly to see an upset Nancy and frustrated Jonathan. She had left them alone for five minutes to think and they were already at each other's throats? "What's happening?"

"I am not trying to be someone else," Nancy snapped, ignoring her. "Just because I'm dating Steve and you don't like him-"

"You know what, forget it." Jonathan muttered, pushing past Ryan. "I just thought it was a good picture."

Nancy didn't let up, continuing to walk after him, "He's actually a good guy-"

"Okay?" Jonathan kept walking, ignoring Nancy's attempts at defending Steve. Ryan felt Jonathan getting impatient with all of Nancy's words.

"The other day, with the camera, he's not like that at all." She turned to Ryan, silently pleading for help. Ryan shook her head, trying to stay out of their fight. This was their thing, she had nothing to do with it. "Ask Ryan, he was just being protective."

"Oh yes, let's ask Ryan." Jonathan snapped, whirling around at Nancy's last words. Ryan closed her eyes, shaking her head. She knew exactly where his mind had gone. "It's not like he publicly humiliated her at the end of sophomore year or anything."

Nancy's shot Ryan a look of disbelief. Like she had said in the diner before, she truly had no idea what had gone down between Ryan and Steve. It wasn't something that Ryan ever liked to discuss.

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