Chapter 8.2

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The next morning, Ryan walked out of the room she shared with El dressed for school while the younger girl followed close behind, a sheet over her head with holes cut out for eyes

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The next morning, Ryan walked out of the room she shared with El dressed for school while the younger girl followed close behind, a sheet over her head with holes cut out for eyes. She had woken Ryan up, just a little before Hopper and the boys had gotten up, asking about Halloween. It was how Ryan had ended up cutting holes into a sheet at six in the morning.

Ryan walked into the kitchen where Aaron and Hopper were busy flipping toast while Peter read a newspaper on the couch. She poked her head around Aaron's shoulder, taking a piece of toast off his plate.

Hopper turned around, jumping at the sight of El in her sheet, not expecting to have a small ghost right behind him, "Jesus!"

"Ghost!" El said enthusiastically as Ryan bit into her toast, giving her a thumbs up in encouragement.

"Yeah," Hopper gasped, a hand on his chest as he tried to catch his breath. "I can see that."

"Halloween." El turned to Ryan then back to Hopper, flapping her arms underneath the sheet like a baby bird trying to fly. Peter turned to glance over the couch, laughing in amusement.

"It sure is, but right now it's breakfast okay?" Hopper pointed to El's seat, both of his hands holding their breakfast. "Come on, let's eat."

"They won't see me."

"Who won't see you?"

"The bad men."

"What are you talking about?" Hopper asked, shifting his attention to Ryan who shrugged, suddenly interested in the corner of her toast. Aaron stood in the kitchen, finishing his breakfast, keeping his eyes on them.


"You want to go trick-or-treating?" Hopper asked as El nodded. He looked back at Ryan, understanding crossing his face. "Ryan, we talked about this."

"I know, but she really wants to go," Ryan begged, putting an arm around the little ghost. She really wanted to be able to take El out for some fun for once instead of staying in and watching movies for the fortieth night in a row. "I'll be there with the kids, come on, please?"

"Both of you know the rules, if she goes out there, ghost costume or not, it's a risk. And we don't take risks." Hopper said sternly. "Why is that?"

"Because we're not not stupid." El growled in a determined voice.

"Right," He nodded, pointing to the empty seat in front of him. "Now take that off and eat your breakfast."

"Come on, Hop." Ryan tried again. She was starting to lose it, having to keep El a secret from everyone. She could tell it was starting to get to El as well, having to stay in the cabin for a year straight. "It's just one night, she doesn't even need to tell the kids who she really is. I can just say she's my cousin from out of town or something."

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