Chapter 28

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Aaron stacked cans of chocolate pudding with Dustin and Lucas in front of El, trying to keep the kids' spirits up by stacking it in a pyramid

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Aaron stacked cans of chocolate pudding with Dustin and Lucas in front of El, trying to keep the kids' spirits up by stacking it in a pyramid. While it was just a tiny action, it brought a smile to El's face, something that made Aaron feel like he was doing something right.

The doors to the cafeteria flew open, causing Aaron to drop a can of pudding on top of the pyramid, making it topple over. Mike and Axel ran in, eyes wide.

"Are the girls back with Jonathan yet?" Aaron asked, picking a can of pudding up off the ground.

"No!" Mike exclaimed, fear in his eyes. "They found us!"

"Come on, we have to go!" Axel exclaimed, running over to help gather the kids as Aaron started to lead them out of the cafeteria. The only thought in both Aaron and Axel's minds was getting the kids to safety, especially Eleven.

Aaron led the kids to the door, ready to run out of it when Hawkins Lab employees ran through it. There were more than he had anticipated. There was no way he could take them all on if he tried.

"Shit, shit, shit!" Aaron swore, turning back and ushering the kids towards Axel.

"GO, GO, GO!" Lucas yelled, running the other direction. Eleven pushed past the group, leading them down another hallway. They had gotten a few steps down the hallway when they were intercepted by more people from Hawkins Lab.

Aaron stood in front of the kids, turning around to move back down the hallway with no luck. They were surrounded.

A man pushed through the group of lab employees, gun trained on Eleven. Without even thinking about it, Axel stood in front of the girl, breathing heavily as he stared down the barrel of a gun.

The lights above the group started to flicker, as the eyes of the workers started to bleed. Aaron turned around to face Axel in confusion before looking at Eleven who was concentrating hard, blood dripping from her nose.

In a split second, all of the workers dropped dead, blood pooling out of their bodies. Shortly after, Eleven fell to the ground, having exhausted all of her energy into protecting the group.

"El, El, are you okay?" Mike rushed forward to the girl. The way he looked at her reminded Aaron of someone else he knew. "Something's wrong!"

"She's just drained." Dustin tried reassuring him, with no luck.

"No, she won't wake up!" Mike cried, shaking the poor girl's limp body. "El! El! EL!"

"Move, let me check." Aaron ordered, bending down to check if she was breathing. "She's still breathing, but barely."

"Leave her!" A voice demanded from behind them, causing the group to spin around. A man with white hair made his way to the group, eyes on every single one of them. Aaron stood in front of the kids, gathering around Eleven refusing to move.

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