Chapter 6.3

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The next day, the group was gathered around the small table in the Scoops Ahoy break room once again, watching as Dustin paced the floor in front of them, relaying what he had seen from his trip back to the roof a few minutes before, "That keycard...

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The next day, the group was gathered around the small table in the Scoops Ahoy break room once again, watching as Dustin paced the floor in front of them, relaying what he had seen from his trip back to the roof a few minutes before, "That keycard opens the door, but unfortunately the Russian with this keycard also has a massive gun. Whatever's in this room, whatever's in those boxes, they really don't want anybody finding it."

Robin shook her head, playing with her ice cream scooper, "But there's gotta be a way in."

"We could always just ship Dustin in one of those boxes and have him sneak us in after hours." Ryan suggested with a shrug, her feet kicked up on the table.

Dustin stopped pacing to look at her, "Why me?"

She gestured around the room, "You're the smallest one here."

"I'm almost as tall as you."

"Almost, not quite."

"We could probably fit you in a box too," Axel snorted. "He's not wrong."

Robin sighed loudly, "Guys, we need real solutions here."

"Well, you know..." Steve leaned forward, tossing his hat onto the table as he lowered his voice. "I could just take him out."

Robin stared at him, "Take who out?"

"The Russian guard."

Robin leaned back in her seat, nodding along sarcastically while Axel started laughing, "Good one, Steve."

"What?" Steve shrugged, continuing to talk them through his plan. "I sneak up behind him, I knock him out, and I take his keycard. It's easy."

Ryan pursed her lips together in a line, nodding along with Robin. None of what Steve just said sounded easy, none of it. She loved him, she did, but this plan didn't seem to have an ounce of thought put into it.

Dustin narrowed his eyes, "Did you not hear the part about the massive gun?"

"Yes, Dustin, I did." Steve nodded, turning in his seat to face him. "And that's why I would be sneaking."

"Ah." Dustin nodded. "Well, please, tell me this and be honest, have you ever actually... won a fight?"

Steve rolled his eyes, "Okay, that was one time—"

"Twice. Jonathan." Dustin reminded him. Ryan covered her mouth with her hand to hide a laugh. "Year prior?"

"Listen, that doesn't count."

Ryan raised an eyebrow, "Why not?"

"Yeah," Dustin scoffed. "Because it looks like he beat the shit out of you."

"He definitely did." Ryan snickered.

Axel started laughing again, shaking his head, "I hate that I missed that."

The Girl in the Window {Steve Harrington} Where stories live. Discover now