Chapter 26

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Peter sat handcuffed to a chair in Hawkins Lab, separated from Joyce and Hopper

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Peter sat handcuffed to a chair in Hawkins Lab, separated from Joyce and Hopper. When they had gotten to the lab, they were immediately detained, like they were expected to show up. It was one of those instances where he actually regretted not listening to his sister. If she knew where he was now, she would never let him hear the end of it.

"What the fuck?" Peter yelled at the security camera hanging in the corner. "Talk to me face to face you fucking child snatching cowards!" He pulled at the handcuffs, trying to reach his pockets to grab something like a loose paper clip, failing miserably.

The door opened, a man entering the room with a clipboard. When he looked up, Peter saw that this wasn't just any man, this was the father of his sister's best friend. This was Gregory Scott.

"Mr. Scott?" He blinked in surprise. "Come on man, let me out."

Mr. Scott ignored Peter, sitting down in the chair in front of him, "What do you know?"

Peter stared at the man in front of him. This definitely wasn't the man that let Ryan stay over after she fell asleep studying for her chemistry test with Axel and Steve last year. Looking at him now, it was hard to believe that man had ever existed. This was someone else entirely, this was a man with no morals.

"I know that your son isn't so proud to be called that right now, would you believe that?" Peter leaned back in his chair, handcuffs hitting the metal. "I mean, I guess you can't blame him can you?"

"What. Do you. Know?" Mr. Scott tried again, this time with more force in his words.

Years of being around Hopper made their way to the surface, coming out in biting one biting comment, "Bite me."

Scott slid over a picture of Eleven, a picture that looks shockingly like a mugshot, "Where is she?"

"If you lost her, that seems like a you problem." Peter smirked, seeing the man slowly start to lose his patience. "A you alone problem. Sorry, I don't add up in the equation."

"You came here looking for Will correct?"

"Well if you know the answer to that, why ask?" Peter shifted in his chair, still unable to reach his pockets.

"I can cut you a deal."

Peter stopped moving, looking up at Mr. Scott before bursting out in laughter. "What is this? Batman?" He shook his head. "Sorry, I don't take bribes, that's the mayor's job."

"You give me the girl, I'll give you the boy." Mr. Scott leaned on the table.

"You sick son of a bitch." Peter snapped, pulling at the handcuffs again, trying to reach the paper clip. He had to get out of there, warn Aaron and Ryan about the lab. Just because he was giving Scott the runaround, didn't mean they didn't have men already out searching the town for her already.

"The girl, Fordman." Scott growled.

Peter glared at the man, refusing to talk. He thought back to Ryan taking care of Eleven at the Byers' house. She had spent a better part of the week protecting the girl from the world, from the people in the very building he was stuck in. It was clear to him that Eleven was important to Ryan, he didn't want that to be taken away from her.

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