Chapter 25

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Ryan wrapped a towel around El's small body, holding her close

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Ryan wrapped a towel around El's small body, holding her close. The little girl clung to her side, shaking from the cold and completely exhausted. Ryan stood with the adults, helping them come up with a plan while Nancy and Jonathan sat on the bleachers with the kids.

"We're going to Hawkins Lab," Peter said, watching as El held Ryan just as tight as Ryan held her. "That's where the entrance is, that's how we'll find Will."

"You are not about to walk into the Upside Down unprepared!" Ryan argued. She had gone in without her gun and almost died. Even if she had had a weapon on her, she couldn't guarantee that it would be enough. "On top of that, Hawkins Lab is protected by the military and god knows what goes on there!"

"We have guns, Ryan." Peter said, trying to reassure her. It didn't work. "We've been there before."

"We don't have a lot of time," Hopper interrupted, motioning for Peter to follow him to the gym doors. "We need to get going."

"Just be careful, okay?" She pleaded, eyes darting back and forth between Peter and Hopper. "I can't explain it right now, but I think mom wrote about this place in her journal. You may have been able to get in the last time and leave somewhat safe, but she said it was dangerous." The more she thought about it, the more she believed the lab had something to do with her parents' death. After all, they had never been able to find who had run them off the road. "Just be careful, I don't want to lose anyone else."

"Wait, mom knew about this place?" Aaron blinked, crossing his arms in confusion. "When did you read mom's journal? How did you even find it?"

"There was a stack of them in dad's safe. I found them when I got my gun to hunt the demogorgan." Ryan explained, hugging El tighter to her. "Look, just please promise me you'll be safe."

Hopper pulled Ryan in, hugging her tightly, "We're going to find Will and we are going to come back, everyone will be fine." He let go of her. "I promise you that."

Ryan nodded, hugging Peter. He pulled away, ruffling her hair, "Take care of Aaron while we're gone. He doesn't do well on his own."

Ryan laughed lightly, watching the two walk away with Joyce and Jonathan trailing behind. She had no idea what they were about to walk into, all she knew was she was stuck on the surface level and she was going to do whatever she needed to do to make sure Will was coming home to a safe environment. Starting with taking down the demogorgan.


Ryan led Eleven to the bleachers, wiping her little face with a part of the towel that was still wrapped around her shoulders, "You were so brave in there. I am so proud of you, you know that?"

Out of the corner of her eye, Ryan saw Nancy sneak out of the gym, covering her face with her hand. She glanced down at the gym floor, feeling horrible. There was so much going on, so much they had to do, all while Nancy had just found out that her best friend was dead.

The Girl in the Window {Steve Harrington} Where stories live. Discover now