Chapter 4.2

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The next morning, Ryan woke up in a tangled mess of blankets and hand sewn pillows on the Wheeler's couch, her legs thrown over Nancy's torso

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The next morning, Ryan woke up in a tangled mess of blankets and hand sewn pillows on the Wheeler's couch, her legs thrown over Nancy's torso. The television was still on from the night before, both her and Nancy falling asleep halfway through Risky Business.

"Girls! Girls, wake up!" Mrs. Wheeler shouted, running down the stairs with Holly and Mike trailing close behind. "Steve just pulled up behind Ryan's car!"

Nancy shot up from her spot on the couch, causing Ryan to fall to the floor with a loud thud. "Um," She rubbed the small of her back as she sat back up, glaring up at Nancy still comfortably on the cushioned couch. "Ow!"

"SHIT!" Nancy exclaimed loudly, throwing the blankets off her body- which landed on Ryan's head. "WE'RE LATE!"

"Nancy," Mrs. Wheeler warned from the front door as she shooed Mike out. "Language!"

Ryan threw the blankets off her head as she stood up dusting off her pajamas. She was still half-asleep, much to Nancy's dismay, "Ryan!"

"What?" She yawned. "Why rush if we're already late?"

Nancy shook her head, mouth hanging open in disbelief, "You have to pick up Tommy, remember?"

Ryan's eyes widened, "Oh, shit!" She'd forgotten all about her promise to pick him up to study for their Econ test on the way to school. She was running so very late.

"Ryan!" Mrs. Wheeler scolded again in exasperation.

"Sorry, Mrs. Wheeler!" Ryan yelled, running behind Nancy up the stairs. "Won't happen again! Probably! Sorry!"


Almost ten minutes later, Ryan ran out of the Wheeler's front door, her backpack swinging off her arm as she struggled to put on her jacket. She was still throwing on her shirt when she had come down the stairs, Nancy finally pushing her out of the bathroom to brush her teeth. They were both moving as quickly as they could to get out of the house, but Ryan was moving a hell of a lot faster. After all, she had to drive herself and pick up Tommy.

Steve was leaning against his car when she ran out, immediately moving forward to help her. "Morning Sunshine, late start?" He joked, holding her backpack in his hands as she put her jacket on correctly.

"Yes," Ryan pulled her hair out of the collar of her jacket, quickly taking her backpack back. "Which means I'm late to pick up Tommy, and he needs all the help he can get for this Econ test." She started running over to her car parked on the road.

"Well, bye to you too then." Steve rolled his eyes. Tommy again, how could he forget? He was really starting to regret the day he sat next to Tommy in biology.

"Sorry, bye Stevie," Ryan waved, blowing a kiss as she swung open her car door. "Gotta go!"

Steve watched as she drove away, shaking his head. Something felt off, like he had forgotten to do something before she left. Whatever it was completely slipped his mind, though it was never there in the first place. He just felt off. Maybe it was just his frustration with Tommy.

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