Chapter 5.2

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The bell rang above their heads as first period ended, Ryan walking out of class with Robin

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The bell rang above their heads as first period ended, Ryan walking out of class with Robin. She handed Robin her notebook, leaving it open to the notes she had taken on Saturn's moons and the meanings of the names. Halfway through copying her own notes, Robin's pencil had snapped. Not only was Mr. Jacob's pencil sharpener broken, but she didn't have a replacement.

"Just give it back whenever you're done, you can keep the pen though." Ryan laughed, offering Robin her pen. "I swear, you're a disaster. One pencil?"

"Well, I wasn't expecting it to break halfway through the notes and I thought I had an extra one with me, when I did not." Robin shook her head, putting the pen behind her ear. "So the new guy is kind of a jerk, huh?"

"Don't even get me started." Ryan rolled her eyes. "I met him when he was yelling at his stepsister in front of everyone at the arcade yesterday. It was ridiculous."

"Geez, what an asshole."

Ryan huffed in agreement, finally looking up from the notebook in between them. Across the hallway, Tommy leaned against the wall, waiting for her to pass by. Ryan grinned, turning to look at Robin, "Just give it back to me at lunch, I'll be at the tables outside. If you're not finished by then, we share the same first period. Just give it back then."

"Yeah, no problem." Robin agreed with a smile. "Thanks again, Ry. I really appreciate it."

Ryan waved as Robin walked away, turning back to face Tommy who held up bright orange flyers, "One of these literally has your name on it, curtesy of me."

She took the flyer from his hands, reading it over. Tina was throwing another party, this time for Halloween. Ryan had been invited to both the end of summer party and the "welcome back" party so far that semester, only going to the end of summer bash because Nancy had begged her to.

Before her and Steve had made up, and before her and Nancy had become so close, invitations to parties like the ones Tina threw were barely a thought in Ryan's mind. She spent most of her time with the Byers' and babysitting the kids, usually with Axel. Now, she was constantly getting invited to things by people she had only hung out with once or twice- except Tina. She did hang out with Tina a bit more.

"Tommy," Ryan lifted her head. "This says it's Tina's Halloween party, not yours."

"Yeah, but I'm the one that wrote your name in the corner, see?" Tommy pointed to the scribbled "Red" in the corner of the paper.

"Well, I'll have to see." She sighed, reading the flyer again. "I'm supposed to go trick or treating with Jonathan and the kids. Parties aren't usually my thing." However, Halloween changed things.

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