Chapter 27

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"Jonathan! Are you there man? It's Steve!" Ryan shot up out of her chair at the same time as Nancy, running to the door

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"Jonathan! Are you there man? It's Steve!" Ryan shot up out of her chair at the same time as Nancy, running to the door. No, no, no, no. Steve could not be there. Not now, not with everything about to happen. "Listen, I just wanna talk!"

Ryan lowered her gun, falling behind Nancy. She couldn't believe her luck, Steve showing up to apologize for his actions, creating a kink in their plans. She had told him to stay away, she should have known he wouldn't listen.

Nancy opened the door, sticking her head out, "Steve, listen to me, you need to leave."

"No," Steve shook his head. "I'm not trying to start anything, okay?"

Ryan looked over at Jonathan, seeing the swirl of emotion on his face. Annoyance, anger, and hurt flashed over his face in a matter of seconds.

"I don't care about that." Nancy said quickly, still trying to get him to leave with zero luck. "You need to leave."

"No, no, no listen I messed up okay?" Steve pushed, still stammering out an apology. "I messed up. Really, please, I want to make things right."

Ryan pushed past Nancy, opening the door a little more to fit her frame, "Steve, go."

"Ryan?" He blinked, looking between both girls. "What's going- what happened to your hand?" Steve reached for her hand, taking it in his.

Ryan twisted her hand out of his grip, hiding it behind the door, "Nothing, I fell."

"Yeah, and the bruises on your wrists are from someone trying to pick you back up again?" Steve rolled his eyes, not believing her for a second. "Was it him?"

"Was it who?" She asked, looking at Nancy for help. All of this was just too much.

"Steve, you need to leave." Nancy repeated for the hundredth time, standing between him and Ryan. "Now." Ryan watched as Steve made eye contact with Nancy, waiting for him to give up. After all, it was Nancy.

"No, Ryan is hurt." He argued, refusing to leave. The minute he saw the bandage wrapped around her hand, any chance of him leaving had completely flown out the window. "Let me-" He stopped, looking down at Nancy's hand, wrapped the same as Ryan's. "Nancy, you too?"

Ryan rushed back to the door, trying to help Nancy close it with no luck. Steve pushed the door open, Ryan falling back into the wall as he stormed in.

"What is-" He stopped, looking around the house in confusion and awe. "What the f-"

"You need to leave." Jonathan pushed Steve towards the door. An argument erupted between the two boys, neither on backing down.

"Hey, hey!" Ryan yelled, jumping in between them, trying to push Steve toward the door. "We don't have time for this!"

"Steve! Get out!" Nancy yelled, calling everyone's attention to her, pointing her gun at Steve.

The Girl in the Window {Steve Harrington} Where stories live. Discover now