Chapter 16.2

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Ryan walked by Steve's side through the parking lot after school

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Ryan walked by Steve's side through the parking lot after school. They'd had to park the furthest away from the building as they'd not only skipped first period, but left campus for lunch at the Pub. Luckily, the weather was nice.

Steve yawned, stretching his arms over his head, "I really didn't expect to fall asleep in Spanish."

"Well, you did." Ryan rolled her eyes with a small smile. "I almost dumped my water bottle on your head."

"I'm just going to say thanks for not doing that." He laughed lightly, glancing around the parking lot. "Have you seen Nancy today?"

"Not since third period." She shook her head. The more she thought about it, the weirder it seemed. Her and Nancy had sixth period study hall together, but she didn't see her. She didn't think too much of it at the time. "I guess she just went home early."

"Did she say anything to you about last night?" He asked. "Anything weird?"

"Define weird." Ryan said, looking away from Steve. Nancy had said plenty of weird things about the night before. She was trying not to focus on it.

"Nothing," Steve muttered, shaking his head. "Never mind."

Ryan bumped him with her shoulder, giving him a small smile. Steve bumped her back, all his worries disappearing the second she laughed.

She glanced back up at the dirt path in front of them. Things had been weird enough since the night before, so it felt nice to just joke around lightly. She was a little worried about him as he hadn't said much about the confrontation with Nancy, but then again neither had she. It was just too complicated to think about much less say out loud.

Up ahead, Billy's car pulled out in front of them, Nicole sitting in the passenger seat, but Max nowhere to be seen. Ryan watched as Billy pulled onto the highway, disappearing in the opposite direction of the middle school. He'd really left her behind. What a dick.

"Shit," She swore under her breath, turning to look up at Steve. "Steve, I have a weird favor to ask."

"Yeah, what's up?"

She flashed an awkward smile, playing with her hands, "We need to give Billy's stepsister a ride home."

Steve stared at her blankly as if he misheard what she had said, "Um, what?"

"Remember Max from the arcade?" She waited as he nodded slowly. "Well, Billy just took off without her, please?"

Steve took in Ryan's hopeful expression, giving her a small smile. She cared about literally everyone, kids like Max especially. It was like Ryan knew which kids had it the hardest and made it her mission to make sure they felt loved and had someone to turn to. It was what set her apart from everyone else, "Yeah, yeah, sure. Let's go get her."

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